Chapter two :: Shadows of Chora's Den

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As we neared the entrance to Chora's Den, I felt a wave of unease wash over me. My omni-tool beeped with a message from Commander Shepard, detailing our mission to find a quarian named Tali and gather evidence against Saren. The stakes were high, and my mind couldn't help but flash back to my first war game at Camp Jupiter. I was only 12 years old, eager to prove myself to my fellow demigods in the 5th cohort. But now, as a lieutenant in the Alliance, I had to face a different type of battle.

As soon as we entered the den, I saw a thug take cover behind the bar. Without hesitation, I aimed and shot him in the head. The sound of gunfire filled the room as we took cover behind the nearest table. Shepard immediately took charge and directed our small team of three. "Zhang, Wrex, flank them on the left. Garrus will join me on the right," Shepard commanded, pointing to the enemies who had taken cover around the bar and nearby tables.

I nodded in agreement and signaled for Wrex to follow me as we moved towards the left flank. I fired at the enemies as we advanced, feeling the recoil of my weapon jolting through my arms. Wrex charged ahead, intimidating the enemies and causing them to fall back. We quickly took out the enemies on the left side of the room and regrouped with Shepard and Garrus at the back of the cycle room.

As we approached the door leading to Fist's hideout, we faced three more thugs guarding the entrance in a crossfire. Shepard assessed the situation, taking a deep breath as he scanned the room. "We need to take out those guards," he said urgently. "Zhang, you and Garrus lay down cover fire for me and Wrex."

I quickly understood my task and moved towards the nearest cover, firing at the guards as they returned fire. Garrus provided cover fire as well, allowing Shepard and Wrex to take out the guards. Once the door was open, we saw two men who looked like warehouse workers, not thugs.

"Stop right there!" one of them exclaimed. "Don't come any closer!"

"All the real guards must be dead," Garrus observed.

"I just killed fifty bodyguards to get here," Shepard said menacingly. "What do you think I'll do to you?"

The first man's voice shook with fear as he hesitated. "Uh...well, uh..."

"Leave," I interjected, pointing back towards the direction we came.

"Yeah, screw Fist," the second man agreed. "He doesn't pay enough for this," as they quickly left.

"It would've been quicker to kill them," Wrex grumbled.

"Shooting people isn't always the answer," Garrus said in disagreement.

Our team of four continued to move forward to Fist office's.

When we got right outside of the door to the office, we stacked up on Shepherd and prepared to breach. Right before the Commander gave the go ahead I could feel hitten, like every demigod I have ADHD and in battle this keeps me alive and other times it's a real pain in my ass. When the Commanded gave the signal we moved in. When I entered the offices my brain saw everything: the two turrets, and the man behind the desk.

My gun popped up instantly and I opened fire on the first torrent I coughed in my scoop. With the combined fire from us we managed to take out both of the turrets, and when we closed in on fist he finally spoke.

"Wait" Fist screams, "Don't kill me! I surrender."

'Damned coward," I thought.

"Tell me where the quarian is and I won't have to shoot you in the kneecaps" Shepard commanded.

"She's not here" Fist answers, "I Don't know where she is. That's the truth."

"He's no use to you" Wrex interrupts, "let me kill him."

"Wait, Wait!" Fist hurriedly said, "I don't know where the quran is, but I know where you can find her."

"The Qurian isn't here, Said she'd only deal with the shadow broker himself" Fist continued.

"Face to Face?" Wrex said, "Impossible! Even I was even hired through an agent."

"Nobody meets the shadow broker." Fist said as he got up, "Even I don't know his true identity. But she didn't know that. I told her I'd set a meeting ip."

"And when she shows up it would be Saren's men waiting for her" Fist continued.

"Tell me where that meeting is or I will blow your lying head off" Sheppard threatened as he pulled his pistol out as is instinct of a sword that was not there.

"Here's on the wards. The back alley by the markets." fist said taking a step back. "She's supposed to meet them right now. You can make it if you hurry."

And right after the last world Wrex shot him.

"What are you doing?!" Garrus said. As I said " what in holy Jupater."

"The shadow broker paid me to kill him" Wrex responded, "I don't leave jobs hafted done."

"I'm in charge here!" Shepard commanded, " You pull another stunt like that..."

"He was the only contract I had Left" Wrex Interrupted, " And don't we have more pressing to worry about."

"That Qurian's dead if we don't go now" Said Garrus.

"From one battle to the next" I said. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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