Chapter one :: N7 Demigod

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I groaned as I stretched my arms, feeling the fatigue of the previous night's mission slowly dissipating from my body. I had been on a mission to retrieve sensitive information from a rogue group of aliens, and while it had been successful, the encounter had been far from easy. As an N7 operative, I was used to long hours and dangerous missions, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was different about today.

I got dressed quickly, putting on my Alliance uniform and making sure to hide my demigod tattoos under my clothing. The last thing I needed was for someone to recognize them and ask questions I couldn't answer. Before I left my apartment on the Citadel, I got a message on my omni tool.

I checked the message and saw that it was from Captain Anderson, my new commanding officer. "Zhang, meet me at the Alliance Embassy."

As I made my way through the crowded streets of the Citadel, blending in seamlessly with the humans and other alien species that called the station home, my thoughts drifted to my demigod heritage. It was a delicate balance, keeping my true identity hidden from those who weren't demigods, but I knew it was necessary for my own safety.

As I entered the Alliance Embassy, I could hear raised voices coming from one of the nearby offices. Ambassador Udina was speaking to someone, but I couldn't make out the other voice. I slowed my pace, curious but also wary.

"Saren's a threat to every human colony out there," the unknown voice said, the anger evident in their tone. "If they don't do anything, I will."

"Settle down, Commander," Udina responded, and I recognized his voice. "You've already done more than enough to jeopardize your candidacy for the Spectres. The mission to Eden Prime was a chance for you to prove yourself, but instead, Nihlus ended up dead and the beacon destroyed."

I walked towards the office and saw that Anderson was already there, standing with Udina and the unknown Commander. Anderson noticed my presence and nodded in acknowledgement.

"That was Saren's fault, not his," Anderson said, defending the Commander.

"Then we better hope the C-SEC investigation turns up evidence to support our accusations," Udina replied, his voice cold. "Otherwise, the Council might use this as an excuse to keep you off the Spectres. Come with me, Captain. I want to go over a few things before the hearing."

"Sheppard you and the other can meet us at the citadel tower top lever, I make sure you have clearance to get in" Udina said.

Before Anderson and Udina walked away, Anderson noticed me. "Lieutenant Zhang".

"Yes, sir," I replied, standing at attention. Anderson motioned for me to approach, and I stepped closer to the group.

"Commander, Sheppard meet our final crew member," Anderson said.

I stood at attention and gave a quick salute, trying to hide my surprise at being introduced to the Commander. "Lieutenant Marcus Zhang, N7 operative," I said, keeping my tone respectful.

Commander Sheppard nodded in acknowledgment. "Good to have you on board, Zhang," he said, his eyes flickering over me in a quick appraisal.

I returned the nod, feeling a sense of respect for the Commander. I had heard a lot about him, his reputation as a skilled soldier and leader preceding him. It was an honor to be in his presence, let alone working under him.

"Thank you, Commander," I replied. "I'm looking forward to serving with you."

"I'll be off, Commander, Lieutenant" Anderson said, as he walked away with Udina.

As Anderson left, Sheppard turned to me. "So, Zhang, tell me about yourself," he said, his tone friendly but direct.

I hesitated for a moment before responding. I wasn't sure how much I should reveal about my demigod heritage, but I decided to be as honest as I could without compromising New Rome and the Legion.

"born and raised on Earth," I began. "I joined the Alliance, and after two years of service, then was recruited as N7 operative."

Sheppard nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Impressive," he said. "What made you want to join the Alliance?"

I paused, considering how to answer the question. I could tell Sheppard was genuinely curious, and I wanted to give him a truthful answer without revealing too much about my personal reasons.

"I wanted to serve and protect humanity," I said, keeping my answer vague.

Sheppard seemed to accept my answer, and we continued to talk for a few more minutes, discussing my experience and skills as an N7 operative. As we talked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the mission we were about to embark on. I had never been on a mission quite like this before, and I knew that it would be a test of my abilities and my loyalty to the Alliance.

As we finished our conversation, Sheppard turned to me with a serious expression. "We're heading to the Citadel Tower to meet with the Council," he said. "meet you back at the ship Lieutenant." 

I nodded, acknowledging the order. "Understood, Commander," I said, and watched as he walked out of the embassy.

Sometime Latter

As I walked around the citadel, the view was always stunning. Not quite Olympus levels, but for mortals, it was beautiful. I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and complexity of the Citadel, a hub of commerce, politics, and culture for countless species.

As I continued my walk, I noticed a few humans giving me curious looks, and I realized that my SPQR tattoo was peeking out from under my uniform. I quickly adjusted my clothing to cover it up, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention.

It wasn't the first time I had to deal with this kind of situation. Being a demigod wasn't something I could easily reveal to anyone, especially outside of New Rome and the Legion. I had to keep it a secret to protect both myself and the people around me.

I decided to head to the local bar to grab a drink before heading to the ship. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that I could hide in plain sight among the other patrons. I made my way to the counter and ordered a drink.

As I was sitting there slowly sipping my drink, a Whisky, my omni-tool received a message. When I glanced at it, I saw that the message was from Commander Shepard.

[start of message]

Lieutenant Zhang,

Meet me at the Chora's Den. Be ready for a fight.

Commander Shepard

[end of message]

I finished my drink and headed out of the bar, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of a fight. Being a descendant of Mars, I relished the thrill of combat, although not quite as fervently as my Greek relatives. The god of war is the god of war. I knew that Commander Shepard wouldn't call me unless the situation was serious.

As I made my way to the Chora's Den, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble Commander Shepard had gotten himself into this time. He was known for being a bit of a loose cannon, but he was also one of the best N7 operatives in the Alliance.

Upon my arrival, my attention was immediately drawn to the Commander, who was standing next to a Turian. However, what made me pause in my tracks was the presence of an imposing figure - a massive Krogan. While I had heard stories of their intimidating size and infamous reputation, I had never encountered one before. It was only later that I learned that this Krogan was named Rex, possessing a distinctive hulking form and armor covered in battle scars. At the time though, his identity was unknown to me.

I approached Commander Shepard and nodded in greeting. "What's the situation?" I asked, eager for any information.

Shepard looked at me gravely. "We have a mission," he said, "in order to prove a case, we must find a Quarian, and Fist knows where the Quarian is."

"Lead the way, Commander," I stated.

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