18. Last Breath

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"He was my friend." Snow remarked softly as she stared down at Viserys body. 

"I didnt know what my father had planned." Alicent offered. "I didnt know." 

"I believe you." Snow assured. "You are not on my hit list." Alicent rose a brow but thought better than to ask. "I'm going to help you." 

"What?" Alicent countered confused. 

" Your family is going to be in danger. I assume you dont want Rhaenyra on the throne." Snow urged. 

"Viserys said Aegon with his last breath-"

"What if he didnt?" Snow countered. 

"What? No, he did. I swear it-"

"I meant, what if you heard him say Aemond? Aegon is an imbecile and Aemond is a skilled warrior a good man." Snow remarked. 

"I already told the council." 

"So, you are the queen. You make the rules now." Snow reminded her. 

"I dont... you killed my father didnt you?" Alicent realized. 

"I did. I dont regret it he was a bad man." Snow remarked. 

"I need to find Aegon." 

"What if you dont?" Snow countered. 


''Prince Aegon's not to be found within the castle walls, Your Grace." Criston informed Alicent. "Ser Erryk has went into the city to find him. Ser Erryk knows Aegon. He has the advantage." Criston remarked and Alicent nodded.

"I trust again to you, Ser Criston, and to your loyalty." Alicent told him and Criston nodded. "Aegon must be found, and he must be brought to me. The very fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it." Alicent instructed. Criston nodded. ''Everything you feel for me... as your Queen." Alicent whispered bringing her face closer to his.

''I will not fail you.'' Criston assured.

"I'll come with you." Aemond said getting up.

"Me too, field trip!" Snow declared. 

''That would not be my desire, Aemond.'' Alicent told him honestly. ''If anything has happened...''

''Cole needs me, Mother. Ser Erryk isn't the only one who knows Aegon's doings.'' Aemond reminded her.

"Hey, I'm going to meet back up with you later." Snow offered. 

"I thought you just said-" Aemond countered but she kissed him goodbye. 

"I will find him and let you know." Snow remarked. 

"ANd if I find him first?" 

"Ha," Snow only laughed in return. "Doc, assemble the dwarves, we are looking for Aegon." 

"What do you want us to do when we find him?" Grumpy pondered coming up behind Doc. 

"Get ready to make him disappear." 


"Aegon brought me to the Street of Silk on my thirteenth name day." Aemond remarked he had a hood pulled high over his head. ''It was his duty as my brother, he said, to ensure I was as educated as he was. At least that's what I understood him to mean.''

''I don't follow.'' Criston said as they knocked again.

''He said, "Time to get it wet." Aemond clarified.

" Every woman is an image of the Mother, to be spoken of with reverence." Criston knocked again impatiently. A whore opened the door and stared back at them a smirk on her lips.

'' Sometime last night, we... misplaced our drinking companion. Knowing that he has been, in the past, a patron of your fine establishment, we thought to inquire here as to his whereabouts." Criston said vaguely as Aemond's eyes searched for Snow. 

"And describe him.''

''That is a delicate matter.' Criston said softly. ''You see, the man we seek is the young Prince Aegon. I may trust, I hope, in the discretion of your trade.'' The whore chuckled.

''The Prince is not here.''

''Has he been here? Earlier, perhaps?''

''Quite a bit earlier. Years ago, in fact.''

''But more recently?'' Criston offered hopefully. Aemond didnt like riddles, didnt like this place. 

''He does not frequent the Street of Silk. His tastes are known to be... less discriminating." She informed them.

'' Meaning what?' Criston asked confused.

''I wish you luck, good Ser. And my best to your friend.'' She locked eyes with Aemond. He stared back a moment ''How you've grown.'' Aemond turned back around following Criston feeling awkward and glad Snow wasnt here to see this.

"Of course he would hide in a temple of all places." Snow muttered. "Someone find Aemond. I will check it out." 

"You need extra muscle." Grumpy declared following after her. 

"Where is Cregan?" 

"He's on northern time, hes still fast asleep. Hiding from the sun." Snow assured. 

"Hey snow, what do we do about Rhaenys and Rhaenyra?" Grumpy pondered as they walked.

"What do you mean?" Snow countered. 

"The queen who never was will have words and the current heir..." Grumpy offered. 

"I can handle Rhaenys if you want to head to dragonstone with some of the guys today, catch up to them?" 

"Talking like a queen, Snow." Grumpy agreed. 

''Here I am, trawling the city, ever the good soldier in search of a wastrel who's never taken half an interest in his birthright." Aemond remarked as they walked. 'Tis I the younger brother who studies history and philosophy, it is I who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world. It is I who should be..." Aemond went on but Criston stopped walking staring back at him

'' I know what it is to toil for what others are freely given.'' Criston remarked.

" Mm... And we can't find him, Cole. You are a decent man with no taste for depravity." Aemond said stepping closer to Criston. "His secrets are his own... and he's welcome to them. I'm next in line to the throne. Should they come looking for me, I intend to be found." Aemond assured him.


"How did you find him?" Aemond pondered. 

"The dwarves are my best friends, they have their sneaky little ways." Snow offered as Aegon stumbled out. Aemond moved to him. 

" I was hoping you disappeared." Aemond seethed.

'' Is our father truly dead?'' Aegon asked his smile falling.

''Yes... and they're going to make you king.'' Aemond hissed and Aegon spit up at him and Aemond faltered back, Aegon jumped up and ran again.

"Agh!" Aemond wiped at his face lunging at Aegon and catching him easily.

"No!" Aegon screamed out struggling in Aemond's strong grasp. "No! Let me go!" Aegon continued to trash in Aemond's grip.

"Dont hurt his face, he has such a pretty face." Snow remarked as Aegon trashed uselessly. 

"Let me go! Brother! Ahh! Let me go! I have no wish to rule! No taste for duty!" Aegon pleaded. "I'm not suited."

"You'll get no argument from me." Aemond said dully.

"You let me go, I will find a ship and sail away, never to be found." Aegon continued to plead.

"The Queen awaits." Aemond hissed.  

"Lets rethink this." Snow countered. 

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