An attack

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Hi. My name is Stefanie Salvatore. I'm 17 years old. My parents are Damon and Elena Salvatore. Their names sounds familiar right? You may know their story but you don't know mine.

I was just ordinary human girl until that day. But i was acutally happy that this happend. I never wanted to be a human. I've always wanted to be supernatural. Maybe a witch, werewolf, vampire, a hybrid... You probably already get it. Shall we start with my story?

I was sitting in my dad's car while thinking about how much I love watching Aunt Bonnie when she's casting spells.

When car stoped I opened car's door and stepped out of a car. Mystic Falls High School. My school. I've always wanted to be a student on a Salvatore Boarding School but that will never happen because I'm not supernatural.

"Bye Stefanie" my dad said to me.

"Bye dad"

Dad drove away and I started to walk to a school. My first class today was History. When I came in classroom I sat next to my best friend Ariana. She has orange curly hair, a lot of freckles and green eyes. She was my best friend since we were five.

"Hi Stefanie" she said to me.

"Hi Ariana"

"Alright class today we will talk about Mystic Fall's history" said our history teacher.

"As you all know Mystic Fall's Founders Day is approaching..."


For a lunch I sat as always with Ariana and Opal.

"Did you heard the news?" Opal asked me and Ariana.

"What news?" I asked.

"Something attacked our mayoress" said Opal.

"What did attacked her?" asked Ariana.

"Nobody knows. All we know is that she was found in the woods and she was drained out of blood"

"Why would she been drained out of blood?" said Ariana.

"I have no idea" said Opal.

But I had.

"Lunch is almost over" I told them.

We stood up and went to next class. In classes we had after lunch I bearly heard teachers because I was thinking about what Opal told. It couldn't be any vampire from Salvatore Boarding School because they don't drink human blood right from a person. They drink human blood from blood bags.

When I came out of school I already decided.

I will go to the woods.

Stefanie SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now