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Micah sighs and follows him out.

Nel held Theo's hands as they gathered outside the cave. "What happened this time Theo?" Nel added, stopping in a kelp forest. "He sigh he asked me to meet up and then cornered me into answering the same question. He's done this for months." Theo says looking at his wrist which were red and slightly bruised from the tight kelp rope. "Why does he want answer? He shouldn't ask multiple times and should be an adult and take no as an answer! He's not 5! Why can't he accept that you don't need to answer him." Nel says doctoring Theo's wrists with bandages and ointment. "You ok Theo?" Micah asked as he swam over, watching Orion swim away glaring into Theo's skull. He glared right back before turning his attention back to Theo, checking for extra injuries. "Yeah. Yeah I should be ok. Just some rope burn and a bit of bruising." Theo said rubbing the bandages around his wrist.

//back at home\\

The sound of the door bursting open rang through the bubble."THEOOOOOOOO" Faye yelled as she walked in. "I'm here. I'm here. What's up sis?" Theo said coming into view. "Nel was acting weird today a- what happened to your wrists?" Faye asked, stopping her ramble and swimming to his side. "I'm ok..just got,uh, a bit roughed up by Orion. Nothing too bad though just some bruising and rope burn." He said reassuring Faye's mind. "Again? Why does he keep pressuring you to answer him?" Faye asks, trying not to be upset at the orca. "He'll learn eventually…I hope. Nel and Micah helped me at least get him off my tail for now. No clue what Micah said but I know Orion hated it whatever it was. " Theo said giving a slight giggle to himself. "Yeah! Nel he was bein strange today. He was being really protective and stuff. Not that I hate it but, just weird. I can't tell if he's just being protective or weird like always." Faye said swimming to put things in their chests. "He's always been strange Faye. Nothing's different now." Theo said giggling to himself. He couldn't believe that after everything, Faye never looked at his injuries as a really big part of him. Sure, she'd acknowledge them but she never made them a big deal. That's what he loved about her. He couldn't get the days events out of his mind. Why would Orion just come at him out of nowhere. He'd never done anything to him, to his recall. These questions going through his mind at an unrelenting pace. He couldn't do this right now. His sister needed him right now and he's over here thinking about his own problems. He can worry about that later.

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