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He can worry about that later.

Faye leads him towards this bubble with….books? "Faye, what is this exactly?" Theo asks, running his hand along the glass edges. "A present. It was gonna be for Nel but, I don't really like him at this moment." Faye said, opening the door. "Oh? Why's that Faye??" Theo asks, following her in. "He pissed me off. He asked me out at the wrong time and it just icked me. Not exactly hating him but, he could've asked at not that time." Faye said, sitting on the swing in the middle. "Oh damn. When did he ask?" Theo said, sitting on the swing beside her. "Few days ago but still a fresh wound y'know?"  Faye said, reaching for a book. "Did you tell them this?" Theo asked, reaching for a book with a golden spine. "Yeah. I think he got that message…punched him square in the ear." Faye said flipping to a page. "Well damn- is he ok?-" Theo asks shocked that Faye would punch anyone, especially Nel. "Yeah. Minimal blood and a bit of bruising according to Micah at least." Faye said, swimming to a wall of books. "That's my sister…I taught you well Faye." Theo said giggling towards himself as he opened the book.  How to properly throw a punch 101 Why in Krit's name did his sister have that? Yknow what not gonna ask. She deserves to know how to fight a bitch He continued reading for what felt like eons. He never knew how much he loved to read! Guess he's never got the chance to really read back in the kingdom. "Theo! Look at this book! It glows!" Faye said swimming to show him the book. "Hm? It glows? Why does it glow?" Theo said, taking the book. "Glow squid ink! I used it in the spine and coloured it to make it stand out!" Faye said as she pointed out all the little details of the spine. How it glowed and shined different gradients in different directions. It was beautiful…the cover read, "A Tail of Lovers Long Forgotten." As Theo ran his hand along the pages, he flipped to one in particular and started reading. He couldn't believe what he saw before him. The one he loved, standing before him, holding another man's hand. No. He must be seeing wrong.  His lover left this world years ago. But his face...the eyes..the laugh...everything about the man before him was exactly the same. The one who held his hand left and picked up a call. He went over and introduced himself. Theo closed the book, putting it back on the shelf in its rightful spot. "You like that one Theo? I found it and decided to y'know, repurpose it! Never read it but it looks cool!" Faye said as she reorganised the books around the place. Huh...a dumped book. Interesting.

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