make up your mind 1.

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summary: You were testing the new makeup you had bought on yourself. You thought it would be fun to try it on your boyfriend, Elvis. After begging for a couple of minutes, he finally gives in.

pairing: reader x Elvis (written with big daddy e in mind)

warnings: Mostly fluff. Mention of medication and elvis' insomnia. Talk about sexual stuff, but Elvis not wanting to.

wc: 1.5K

You had a day to yourself today. Elvis was busy with rehearsals and told you he would be home late that night. So you spent that day the best you could, by shopping. After a couple of hours of spending your time in stores and hanging out with your friends, you decided it was time to go back home. Elvis wasn't home yet as expected. So you made your way up the stairs and put the new makeup you had bought on the desk in your and Elvis' bedroom.

You unpacked everything carefully and went back downstairs. You checked the time, it was currently around 1 am and you knew he'd be home soon. As soon as you sat down on the couch you heard the front door unlock. You jumped up as soon as the door opened. Elvis walked into the room and wasted no time hugging you. You smiled and hugged him back tightly. His embrace felt so warm and comforting. "Hi, doll." He said pulling back to look in your eyes. God his eyes. One look from him could make you forget all the problems in the world. As soon as you looked into his eyes, he was all that mattered.

He carefully scans your body letting out a low whistle. "You look nice." He says smirking at you. You nod and smile at him. "Went out with my girls today. Got some new stuff." He hummed in response. You felt all warm inside. No matter how long you guys have been together, he can always make you blush like someone with a high school crush.

He let you go and took his jacket off, hanging it up before making his way to the stairs. You followed behind him, you knew how tired he felt after rehearsals and he just wanted to sleep. But you also knew he wouldn't be able to sleep and wanted you there for company. So you two walked into the bedroom, he sat down on the bed and took his sunglasses off, putting them on the bedside table. You sat down in front of the mirror and grabbed your new makeup.

You looked at Elvis through the mirror, he had his eyes closed in an attempt to get some rest. You smiled to yourself and started doing your makeup. While doing your eyeshadow you heard Elvis get closer to you, sitting on the edge of the bed. "What are you doing honey?" He asked softly. You chuckled "I'm testing my new makeup."

You put everything down and sat down next to him. "You couldn't sleep?" You asked, gently holding and caressing his hand. Elvis had been trying to stay off the meds for you, but it was hard on nights like these. It got difficult after a long day at work and he needed rest, but couldn't seem to find it.

He sighed. "No, I really wish I could." He looked up at you with tired eyes. You nodded. "I know honey. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He said.

Then suddenly you got an idea, you looked at him smirking. He frowned at you. "Oh no, what's on your mind?"

"Ohhh nothing." You replied, giggling. You looked at the makeup you left on the floor in front of the mirror. He noticed where you were staring and instantly shook his head. "Honey, no." He simply said.

You sighed. "Come on please!" He shook his head again. "You're gonna make me look like a fool." You gasped acting offended at his reply. "Don't question my makeup abilities." You replied earning a chuckle from him.

"Come on Satnin pleaaase. I can cover those dark circles right up." You were basically begging him at this point. Making sure to use your and Elvis' special nickname. He looked at you for a moment not saying anything, before finally giving in. "Fine, but none of that glitter shit." He said pointing at the eyeshadow. You nodded, making a mental note to definitely use 'the glitter shit'.

You grabbed all the makeup, putting it on the bed next to where Elvis was sitting. You sat down on his lap to get as close to his face as possible, grabbing the concealer. Putting it under his eyes and a blemish had. Somehow the shade matched him perfectly. You started blending it out softly and he scrunched his face. "Relax your face babe." You said softly. "Stop hitting me hard with that thing." He replied and you giggled. "So dramatic."

You moved onto contour and blush. You barely had to use any contour as his face was already shaped perfectly but used a little blush to give some color. You smiled proudly at your work so far. "Am I pretty?" He asked smiling at you. "Hush baby, we're not done." You said, grabbing the eyeshadow. "Now close your eyes." He did as he was told and closed his eyes. You smiled to yourself as you put glittery brown eyeshadow on his eyelids.

He opened his eyes again and raised his eyebrow. "Why you smilin' like that?"

"Oh you just look handsome." You replied, your smile widening. He looked at you suspiciously but decided not to comment on it.

Thankfully Elvis already wore mascara. He would be so dramatic if you even tried to put it on. It was always something he wanted to do himself.

"Okay the last part." You stated and grabbed a red lipstick. He reached out trying to grab it. "What color?" He asked, you pushed his hand away. "Nuh uh, close your eyes." He gave you a stern look before sighing and closing his eyes.

You chuckled and opened the lipstick carefully. You gently put it on his lips, making sure not to mess up. You pulled back staring at his lips. The red lipstick only made his lips more attractive, but you had to resist. "Open your eyes." You softly said and he did.

"Well?" He asked. "How do I look?"

You smiled at him. "So beautiful."

He grinned and kissed your cheek. The red lipstick leaving a mark of his lips. "Awh really doll? Red?" He sighed and you giggled. "Red suits you." You simply replied.

You got up from his lap. "Go on, stare at yourself." You said, pointing towards the mirror. He shook his head, giving you one last glare before making his way over to the mirror. "Oh god." He said as he noticed the glitter. "I told you not to do that." He looked at you through the mirror. You shrugged. "Didn't hear you."

He stood in front of the mirror a little longer, making some weird pose, and looked back at you. "I do look good in red." You chuckled and walked over to him. "Indeed you do." You said.

You stood in front of him and looked at his lips for a split second before kissing him passionately. He wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you close against him. You melted under his touch. He pulled back and smirked. "You got a little something there." He said pointing at the smudged lipstick on your lips.

"Shut up." You said and kissed him again. Carefully making your way over to the bed, he sat down, not pulling away for a moment. You sat down on his lap again and ran your fingers through his hair. He moaned softly and pulled back, looking deep into your eyes. The lipstick on his lips was smudged all around his mouth.

You felt like tonight was the night. Something inside you told you. Elvis liked to tease you a lot but
you and Elvis never did anything sexual. You had tried to convince him multiple times, but he kept telling you it wasn't the right time and you had to wait until marriage.

You tried to build up the courage to tell him what was going through your mind. "I need you." You said basically whispering. He looked at you sternly and sighed. "Doll..." He pauses, taking your hand. "It's wrong, you know we can't."

You nodded. "I know, but it's so difficult sometimes." He hummed. "Wait 'till we get married, okay?"
You agreed with him on that. And you've always had that belief since you were little. Premarital sex was a no-go, but Elvis really shook all your beliefs.

You sighed. "Times have changed, honey." You tried to change his mind once again, knowing it wouldn't work anyway. "It's not a bad thing."

He shook his head again. "You don't get an opinion in this, doll." He stated, pausing for a second to let it render in your mind. "I'll tell you when the right time is and it's not now, 'kay?" You nodded, feeling heavily ashamed.

He kissed you again gently and held you close, laying down on the bed together. "Now let's cuddle 'til the mornin' comes." He said. And that's exactly what you did together. He never let you leave his embrace and you excepted it, melting into his touch and never let go of him either. A few minutes after that, the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.

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