she walks over me [request]

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Elvis was throwing a small party for wrapping up the filming of 'Viva Las Vegas'. He invited the Memphis mafia and a few cast members which included Ann Margaret. You weren't too happy about her being there. You had been dating Elvis for a few years and everything was going so well until she came along. Whilst filming the movie Ann teased and flirted with Elvis multiple times and the worst part for you was Elvis doing it right back. Even when you were on set a few times, they continued to flirt. You tried bringing it up, but Elvis brushed it off as it was 'just a part of getting into the role'. So obviously you hadn't been very fond of Elvis either lately. And you made sure to make it obvious to him. You had been very distant to him.

You talked to him before the party and explained exactly how you felt about what had been going on. Yet this time he understood and listened. He even promised to keep you near him the entire time to show he wanted nothing to do with Ann.

So here you were sitting across the room from Ann, sitting on Elvis his thigh. His arm wrapped around your waist to keep you as close as possible. He was being extra affectionate and kissed you multiple times. Every now and then Ann would give you a judging glare. She had a tendency of being mean to you, but you couldn't care less.

You listened to Elvis and listened to his friends talk, ignoring and avoiding her as much as possible. Until they started talking about the cute moments Ann and Elvis had on set. You felt like a ghost at that moment. Could they not see you sitting right there? Elvis moved his hand up and down your waist in a comforting way.

You looked at Ann and she had a stupid smug expression. She kept going on and on about Elvis and it was starting to piss you off. Anger poured through you and you knew you had to leave the room or else things wouldn't go too well. So you stood up and walked into the kitchen just to calm your mind for a second. You stood there and drank some water and calmly made your way back into the room.

As you got closer you heard Ann talking to Elvis about you. Elvis didn't sound very interested in the conversation and kept telling Ann to stop talking about you. Ann of course didn't. You didn't understand how someone could be so hostile.

You entered the room again and just as you did, you heard Ann say something rude about you. According to her, you weren't a good lover and didn't understand Elvis. Hearing her say that made you go insane.

Elvis looked up at you and noticed the look on your face. "Baby.." He started but you ignored him. You walked over to her breathless with anger. You stood in front of her staring her down. "What did you say." You asked her, feeling rage taking you over. "I said you're not a good lover." She replied smirking at how riled up you were because of her. You felt humiliated by her.

Right there something snapped in you and anger ran through you like lava. Before you knew it you were beating her up. A silence fell over the room, everyone giving you horrified looks. They panicked and didn't know what to do. You heard your boyfriend say something, but you couldn't understand. Your ears were ringing and everything sounded like it came through a haze.

You continued your attack on her and all of a sudden you were pulled away. Elvis his big arms wrapped around you and pulled you off of her. You were afraid to look at him, you felt he was going to be upset and disappointed. You stared at the boys in front of you. They were kneeling in front of Ann and making sure she was alright. You caught a glimpse of Ann her face and you smiled when you noticed she had a bloody nose, her white dress now blood-stained.

Elvis carried you out of the room and went upstairs. Once he walked into the bedroom he set you down on the bed and stood in front of you. You sat there looking up at him, feeling a little afraid of what was about to come. You looked into his eyes. His eyes were looking down at you dull with disappointment. He shook his head before finally speaking.

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