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It all happened way too fast for Taehyun to register the situation.

He was curled up on his bed as he thought about the roots of 99% of his current problems: his best friend, Huening Kai.

The two had known each other for more than half of their lives now.

They had met when they were 7 when Kai moved to Korea for the first time. Kai had been Taehyun's unofficial English tutor and Taehyun had been Kai's unofficial bodyguard. It had always been that way. They always had each other's back, always lying through their teeth when the other got in trouble.

So, needless to say, after 10 years of being nearly inseparable, Taehyun had not expected this kind of a barrier between them.

To him, Hueningkai was his best friend...his other half...the only person who ever really understood him.

But to Hueningkai, Taehyun was slightly more than that.

So when Hueningkai decided to finally confess to his best friend on the first day of their senior year of high school in front of the entire school, Taehyun felt his world collapse.

A long sigh escaped Taehyun's mouth as he recalled the event.

"Taehyun! I like you. Not just as a friend. Will you go out with me?"

Those few words that Taehyun didn't wanna hear would be rejected immediately if it was someone else but losing someone like Kai was the last thing he wanted to do.

"K-kai, what are you-"
"I like you, Kang Taehyun!"
"Okay, okay- just shush!"

Oh how he regretted saying that.
So, he rejected his best friend now even though he didn't even know if he was gay or even slightly into men.

He stared blankly at the clock on the wall indicating it was nearly 7am.

He sighed once more as he blatantly decided to skip school again as he had been for the past week. He knew he would be way back on the syllabus but he was too stressed to care.

He was just about to close his eyes to try to fall asleep where his mother burst the door open.

"Honey, I've had it! You've been skipping school for a week and you won't even tell me why! And God! Take a look in the mirror, Kang Taehyun, you look horrible!"
She shouted at him.

"Thanks, mom"

"You're going to school today."

"No!" Taehyun sat up straight.

"I don't wanna hear it, mister! Today's a Friday so you'll have the weekend to be a lazy butt. Get ready."
She didn't wait for Taehyun to reply before slamming the door on her way out.

Taehyun groaned in frustration but complied never the less. I mean, he had to go back some day or the other, right?

He lazily brushed his teeth and combed his messy bed hair, not bothered about the dark circles under his eyes before he changed and grabbed his bag and attempted to leave.

"Tae dear, what about your breakfast?"
His mother stopped him.

"I'll have it on the way" he replied and went out of the apartment.

He didn't have to wait long at the bus stop as the bus arrived rather early. He sat at his usual seat: the third last seat next to the window.

Closing his eyes, he plugged his earphones in. Two days without sleep really can mess with one's mind but now that the wind hits his face through the window and his bag was cluched in his hands like a pillow, he slowly felt himself drift off to sleep.

When he finally woke up, it was due to the conductor shouting at him to get off the bus. He wore a uniform and so, it was easy to tell he was a student.

He paid for the ride and exited the bus in a panicked sprint.

Looking at his phone it was nearly 8. Meaning that his class was going to start any minute. He found it strange how he wasn't feeling cold despite the fact that it was the middle of January when he looked down to a familiar jacket embracing him.

He stopped in his tracks as he recognised who it belonged to.

'Why am I surprised? It's his seat too...he probably thought I looked pathetic shivering like that '
Taehyun thought but whether or not he was actually shivering was something he wasn't aware of.

He made it to class 5 minutes late and got a good earful from the teacher. But he couldn't care less about it when his eyes met those of his seatmate and the one who he was the lest willing to meet.

Huening Kai was sitting innocently with a look of anticipation. Or rather maybe disappointment? No, that didn't seem right either.

Whatever Kai wanted to convey with that expression simply didn't reach Taehyun.

"Mr. Kang, are you even listening to me?!"

"Yes, sir. I apologise. It won't happen again"

"It better not! Now, go to your seat!"

And so, he dreadfully made his way next to Kai. Each step being smaller than before.

When he did finally sit down, he wasted no time on his seatmate as he quickly took out his things and started jotting down whatever notes the teacher was narrating.

"May i have my jacket back if you're not feeling cold?" Huening looked at Taehyun giddily.

"After class" Taehyun replied curtly. He wasn't eager to give it back but he didn't wanna come off in the wrong way. Even though he liked how the jacked had a strong scent that screamed 'HUENING KAI' and it was rather warm and comfortable and even though Taehyun felt like it was just the right size on him even though hueningkai was quite bigger than him, he didn't feel like throwing his pride away so soon.

He hadn't realised how long he had zoned out for when he snapped back to reality because of the bell.

"So?" Hueningkai turned to look at Taehyun but his face was one of disappointment when he realised that Taehyun had already walked off to his next class, leaving behind the jacket.

Hueningkai put it on, enjoying the warmth he got but he internally cursed himself for using such a strong perfume.

There was only a faint hint of Taehyun scent left in the jacket but Kai relished it for as long as it lasted.

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