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Just like that another week or so passed by.
Taehyun trying his best to avoid Kai while Kai tried the best he could to talk to Taehyun.

He admitted he had been a fool when he thought that his friendship with Taehyun would remain the same because now, even though Taehyun didn't give a proper reply, Kai knew Taehyun didn't actually like him. And knowing that broke his heart.

Losing his best friend was one thing but what hurt more is knowing that the feelings that chewed away at his heart every night will never be reciprocated just sucked. Before all of this, atleast he could have some foolish hope that maybe Taehyun returned his feelings somehow. But now that he knew for sure, he didn't know what to do with his rejected love.

The duo shared only a few classes together in which Taehyun would blantantly ignore him, saying he needed to 'catch up' and during the breaks between classes or even during lunch, Taehyun would always randomly disappear. Huening Kai tried visiting his house as well but he was never home.

The worst part of all of this was how badly Huening had started to miss the older. He would always be spaced out in classes they didn't share and in the ones they did, he would just stare at Taehyun, trying to be subtle but failing terribly. He wanted to call out to Taehyun like he used to and see the older turn to him with a smile he was all too familiar with. He wanted to listen to him talk like he used to and get butterflies whenever Taehyun held onto his arm for support if he laughed too hard. And his laugh- Huening Kai longed to hear Taehyun laugh. At this point, he had convinced himself that if he heard Taehyun laugh genuinely any time soon, he would actually burst into tears.

The class Huening Kai was currently in was one where Taehyun was absent. In fact, Taehyun hadn't come to school that day and thus, the seat beside the taller man layed empty.

"Students! Everyone quiet down, we have a new student with us today! Introduce yourself, please"
Their teacher announced.

This somewhat caught Hueningkai's attention. Looking at the girl, she was rather pretty. She was quite tall but still shorter than Taehyun. Straight, blonde hair and a perfectly small, round face.

He saw the girl smile at him sweetly when he realised he had actually started to stare at her.


Kai looked down at his desk.

'She's exactly Taehyun's type! What do I do? She's a much stronger opponent'

And as his thoughts conflicted with each other, he hadn't realised that the teacher made the girl sit in the empty seat beside Kai.

"H-hey, I'm Yuna, although you probably heard that...you are?"
She introduced herself with a soft voice and Kai could make out a soft smell of vanilla.

He hadn't realised he had starting at her again until she called out to him once more.

"Excuse me?"

"Huh? Oh- right. I'm Kai"
He said gloomily before looking away.
Luckily, Yuna didn't continue the conversation and the bell rang a few minutes later.

"Kai, could you please show me around?" Yuna looked attentively at Kai who still had his mind on his failing love life although he did hear her this time.

"Sorry, could you find someone else? I'm not feeling well. If the teacher asks can you tell him I went home?" Kai blurted out before packing up for the day. His head was indeed hurting and Yuna was not helping.

"Oh- sure" she replied dejected.

"Thanks" Kai flashed her a small smile before walking off. Only he missed the tinge of red that rushed to the girl's cheek on this action of his.

Kai plugged his earphones in as he walked back home.
'Taehyun missed school again...Am I making him that uncomfortable? He's gonna miss out on a lot of stuff...is he okay?'

The sudden idea of Taehyun possibly being sick made him halt.
What if he was sick?

And so, he turned around, changing his destination to Taehyun's house.

It was quite a long walk but Kai liked it. It reminded him of the days he would randomly pop up at Taehyun's house unnanounced only to find him sleeping. And when he woke him up, Taehyun would quickly try to fix his bedhead but fail, resulting in them trying to find ways to calm it down.

Hueningkai smiled simply thinking about it. He always enjoyed Taehyun's company so much. Did Taehyun find him boring? He admitted he was rather shy and plain but surely Taehyun didn't hate him, right?

He stopped when Taehyun's house came in sight. It was a few steps away and he debated whether or not he should go in.

Taking a deep breath, he rand the doorbell. He half expected Taehyun's mom to open the door and let him know that her son wasn't at home as per usual but what caught him absolutely off guard was the sight of Taehyun opening the door just enough for him to see that his hair was a mess and his eyes were slightly puffy. He was wearing an oversized shirt that had no intention of covering his collar bones and his shorts reached down his knees.

Judging by the way his voice was deeper and rougher than usual, he had been sleeping.

The man who was addressed took a deep breath, a view like this was not something he was expecting to see.

"H-hey, I-uhm"
Kai stammered.

"What time is i- SHIT, IT'S 12:30?!" Taehyun shouted slightly when he saw the time.

"W-well, yeah. I- you weren't at school so I got worried." Huening replied honestly.

"Oh...uhm okay..." Taehyun trailed off, realising how awkward things really were between them. Unconsciously, his hands went up to his hair as tried to tame his bedhead.

And Huening could not hold his laugh at this and so he let out a small giggle.

"What's so funny?" Taehyun snapped but Kai didn't mind. He knew Taehyun was never in a good mood when he just woke up.

"Nothing, i just...got deja vu" He giggled a bit more.
"Use water" Kai added

"Huh?" Taehyun looked at him confused.
"For your hair. Or do you plan to look like a chicken for the rest of the day?"

"Oh- that. I thought you implied I stink or some shit." Taehyun commented mindlessly as he walked off to the bathroom, leaving the door open, signalling hyuka to come inside.
Kai left his bag on the couch as he followed Taehyun into the bathroom as the older took a bit of water and patted down at his hair only for it to spring back up.

"No, stupid, you gotta comb it!" Huening stated with an amused face.
"Oh, who's hair is it, again?"
"No, just look-" Kai cut himself off as he took some water in his hands and ran it through Taehyun's hair.

However, it still refused to budge.
"So, you were saying, jackass?" Taehyun retorted.
"Come on, you know it always works!" Huening argued back, pouting unconsciously.

Taehyun stared at the mirror for a second, his eyes moving from his own reflection to Huening's lips and back to his hair.

"Whatever, I'll figure it out later...you hungry?"
Taehyun walked out of the bathroom with Huening following him into the kitchen.

"Not really, i just had lunch." He replied truthfully.

"Oh well, too bad the egg tarts are wasted now." Taehyun replied casually, taking out a packet of instant ramen, knowing full well that the one thing Kai couldn't resist were his egg tarts.

"NO! YOU DIDN'T SAY YOU HAD EGG TARTS!" Kai replied eagerly.

"They're in the fridge" Taehyun said as he stifled a chuckle.

"Grab me an egg too, please" he instructed Hyuka as he placed the cooked ramen on two plates a few moments later. He knew that Kai would steal off his plate even if he did say he wasn't hungry.

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