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The two reached their destination after lots of attempts of resistance from Taehyun.

He absolutely despised mint chocolate. But Kai on the other hand, loved it.

After buying the ice cream, they say down on one of the empty booths.

The shop was a well-lit one and paper hearts hung from the ceiling. Overall, the vibe was very romantic and cheery.

"I'm guessing most people here are couples" Kai stated.

"Probably" Taehyun replied without too much thought. He was staring down with a look of disapproval at the dessert in front of him.

"Come on, just one bite?" Kai whined as Taehyun held the spoon up to his mouth, contemplating if he should do it.

"If you eat it, I'll take you out on a real date!"

Taehyun swallowed the contents of the spoon without a second thought when he heards those words come out of Kai's mouth.

"I-" Huening just stared at the scene that unfolded in front of him. He was expecting Taehyun to retort with a snarky comment but well, this was okay too.

"Your words, not mine" Taehyun said as stuffed his face with the ice cream in front of him, as if he was making sure that Huening would not go back on his promise.

"I-I mean, I'd be happy to but I thought- you-" Kai stuttered heavily as his face heated up.

"Well, you thought wrong. Take me out, Huening." Taehyun replied rather boldly which surprised both him and the man he was referring too.

"A-alright...uhm t-tomorrow? After school?"

Kai said, his head was fuzzy and his heart was beating loudly.


A few moments of silence followed after this but it was broken by a giggle from Huening Kai as he witnessed Taehyun regret his decision of eating the minty dessert.

"Stop laughing! You know it doesn't taste good!"

"It's kind of like you!" Kai stated.

"How?! In what shape, way or form am I like this...thing?!" Taehyun scrunched his face up in disgust.

"Well you don't like it but I do, so" Kai stared lovestruck at Taehyun's heated face.

"If you like me then make it official." Taehyun stated in a low yet confident voice.

"Well, then" Kai got down on one knee, holding up the mint chocolate ice cream as though he were presenting a ring to Taehyun.

"Kang Taehyun, I like you! Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked, confidently and it reminded both of them of the first time he did this. Only, it was much more different now.

"Yes!" Taehyun shouted back as he chuckled at the look of happiness on the younger's face.

"I like you, Huening!"

The two soon quietened due to the owner of the shop scolding them for their loudness but they were still thinking about what had just happened.

Hueningkai was now trying to feed Taehyun some more of the mint chocolate while Taehyun refused and put up arguments as to why it simply tastes like toothpaste.

"Kai! And Taehyun! I didn't expect to see you here!"

The two pulled away from their antics to look at the owner of that familiar voice.

"Yuna?" Kai asked

"I work here part time...are you done with that?" She asked, motioning to the empty cup on the table.

"Yes, we are" Kai smiled at Yuna.

"In fact we paid already and we're just leaving" Taehyun added as he pulled up Hyuka with him.

"Oh, come again!"

"We will!" Kai replied, a little too enthusiastic for Taehyun.

But instead of being annoyed, Taehyun decided to do something he never would have thought he would do.

After making sure that Yuna was still captivated by Huening's charming smile, he grabbed onto the younger's chin and pulled him down, closing whatever distance their lips had.

He let go after a few seconds and looked back at Yuna to see that her expression had completely changed into one of surprise and all Taehyun did was give her a small smirk of victory.

'Kai's mine, bitch'


Amidst the mini competition he had with Yuna, Taehyun had somehow forgotten about the fact that Kai, too, was involved.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know what got into me, I-" Taehyun immediately spurred a string of apologies when he realised he may have made Kai uncomfortable.

"N-no, listen-"

"I won't do it again, I swear! If you want-"

"Just- ugh!" Kai groaned with frustratuon at Taehyun and decided that the best way to shut him up would be another kiss. So, mindlessly, he pulled in the older boy by the waist and grabbed onto his cheeks with one hand as he connected their lips once again.

Only, it felt different this time. They weren't kissing for someone else.

It was just right: the way they melted into each other, the way their hands embraced each other perfectly.

Slowly but surely, Taehyun's hands made their way up to Kai's hair, tugging at it as Kai let out a long sigh of relief into the kiss.

It had been a while before the two pulled away, panting for air.

They burst into giddy giggles when their eyes met and Taehyun pulled Hyuka in for a hug, burying his red face in the younger's shoulder.

"You taste like Mint Chocolate...I love it...I love you."

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