Chapter 14: Scars

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Victorious and soggy in my lake-drenched clothes, I made my way back to the cabin, smiling uncontrollably.

Tyler had asked me on a date.

An unequivocal, unambiguous date.


I spun around to see Lyla running to catch up with me, her honey-colored hair thrown up in a high ponytail and her face pink from too much sun.

"Hey!" I called back to her. "Where have you been?"

"Our clues were impossible," she said dramatically.

"Yeah, ours were really weird too."

She caught up to me and slowed her pace to a walk, recounting the story of her and Josh's failed scavenger hunt. Apparently, they had been one clue ahead of us when Tyler and I passed them on the basketball court, but then a weirdly phrased third clue sent them on a wild goose chase that ended with them scouring the cafeteria kitchen on their hands and knees before Miss Linda finally kicked them out.

"So what's new with you?" she asked as we stepped into the cabin and out of our shoes.

"Too much."

"What, did Tyler finally kiss you?"

I balked at her.

"What?" she said, shrugging. "I know he likes you; you don't need to hide it from me."

"We didn't kiss," I said, as if I found the very idea shocking.

Lyla was looking at me expectantly.

"He did ask me out, though."

"Oh. My. Gosh." A grin spread over her face.

"I guess we're supposed to be picnicking by the lake tonight."


"I know! I know... I don't even know."

"Tessa. Tyler Joseph just asked you out."

I swung around the post of the triple-bunk and threw myself down on Lyla's bed. "I'm nervous," I admitted.

"Don't be!" she said automatically. "He likes you! It's obvious. I could tell ever since we got here."


"Yes! You were so cagey about the car ride—"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"—and the moment when he caught you in their room alone..."

"I know! Ugh, I just felt so awkward about it, you know? I didn't even know him except as a person you liked, but then we got along so well, and I felt conflicted, but I also didn't want to make a big deal of nothing."

"Tessa, it's fine," she said, and she looked like she meant it.

"But aren't you, like...?" I didn't want to say jealous.

"No, I've..." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "I've moved on."

I furrowed my brow, but then it hit me. I should've known.


She nodded, putting a hand in front of her mouth.

"Wha—Does he know?"

"Oh, he knows," she said, giggling.

"Is it mutual?"

Then I sat up, remembering the first question she'd put to me. "Wait, did he kiss you?!"

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