Romantic confessions

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Aditi was reading a book when her phone rang. She smiled and answered "Namaste Maa"
Her mother replied "Namaste Aditi beta. How are you doing?"
She replied "I am fine Maa. How are others doing in Lucknow?"
"Everyone is fine beta"
"In the village, everyone would be taunting me? Am I right Maa?"
"Why beta? You are now employed and independent. We allowed you to go for a job, marry a groom of your choice; so why will we taunt you?"
"Because I married a Turkish man that's why" Then her mother replied by laughing "Let them laugh but see yourself, you have got independence even after your wedding and look at your cousins".
Aditi replied without interest "What Maa?" Then her mother explained, "Your cousins married a rich businessman and government job employees but still see their condition and you see your condition".
"I can understand Maa but everyone taunts you and Papa, which I don't like" Then her mother replied, "Beta leave them and lead your life happily rather than bothering about the people".
Aditi got relieved on listening to this and said "Thanks Maa. Namaste"
She replied "Namaste beta".

After her mother rejected the call, then Aditi's father came inside the room and said "Namrata was it Aditi's call?" She replied "Yes".
He asked, "Is she still on the line?"
"No, because she had to do some important work "
" Right now she is so busy nowadays. Namrata actually I wanted to tell you that from your village your neighbors are arriving today "Then Namrata said, "ok. Call Bhavya and Anusha and ask them to bring some things from the market".
Namrata called out to Bhavya and said "Beta mama-mami and your cousins are arriving from Mirzapur so please bring these things". He said "ok Maa" and he went away to the market.
Anusha came inside the room and said "Papa here is your mobile. Do you want something?" Then he said "Yes beta bring sweets and milk from the market" and she also went away to the nearby shop.

After coming back, Bhavya and Anusha started helping Namrata in the kitchen. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Anusha went to open.
She replied by hiding her anger "Namaste Mamaji and Mamiji" They also said "Namaste beta"

Namrata and Aditi's father greeted them and served them snacks.
While talking, Bhavya's aunt said "My daughter remained within her limits because we had taught her but your elder daughter she is characterless", on listening to this, Namrata said, "Means?". Then her daughter said, "Your daughter married a Turkish man that's why everyone makes fun of her in the village. Since childhood only your Aditi was a rogue girl". Her parents started feeling sad and angry both on listening to the insult of their daughter. They started saying "If you would have kept your daughter in control then she would've never done this".

After they went away, Bhavya and Namrata said to Aditi's father "Leave them Anusha ke Papa. Be proud that our elder daughter has proved her boldness and determination" and he got consoled.

Defne said, "Aditi what are you planning to cook for dinner today?"
"Anne actually I am thinking that...." suddenly her phone rang and she said "affedersin Anne" and she answered "Hello. May I know who is speaking?"
The voice replied "Pagal insaan have you forgotten me"
Aditi replied with excitement "Sonalika how are you?"
"I am fine. How are my dear jiju and my niece?"
She laughed "They're fine and what about Vibhor?"
"He is also missing you. What happened Aditi is everything fine or not?"
She replied "Actually Sonalika... Abhay....."
"What Abhay? After so many years why are you recalling about him?"
"Sonalika..." Then she narrated the whole incident to her then she said "Aditi sorry to say that after so many years your love has enlightened again. Whenever I thought about Abhay it seemed that your souls were connected with each other but fate separated you"
"Sonalika I'm trying to forget Abhay but...." then she saw that it was Murat's call, "ok I will talk to you later" and she rejected the call.

She replied "Yes Murat. What happened?"
"Aditi today I'm attending a workshop so please don't cook dinner for me"
She sighed and said "ok" Then Hande said, "Anne I want to talk to Baba".
She handed her the phone,
"Hello Baba"
"Yes, Hande. What happened?"
"I want a big chocolate which Anne had brought that day"
"Ok kiz, after the workshop ends I will bring it" and he rejected the call.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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