Chapter 13: Newcomers

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As Ichikai and Aiyoshizawa arrived at the TPRC command room, they were greeted by the new members of the team - Hirayama Sakura, Obi Yoshiro, and Sugawara Tatsuo. The three newcomers were nervous but excited to start their training.

Ichikai welcomed them warmly and introduced them to the rest of the team. He explained the TPRC's mission and how each member played an essential role in achieving their goals.

Aiyoshizawa added that the team strongly values trust, teamwork, and dedication, and they need to work together to overcome any obstacles that come their way.

After the introductions, they started the training session, and they all focused on honing their skills. The newcomers showed great potential, and the team was impressed with their progress.

Ichikai and Aiyoshizawa felt a sense of pride as they watched the new members improve and learn the ropes of their new role.Towards the end of the session, Ichikai announced that the team would be participating in another tournament next month. He knew that with the new members and everyone's hard work and dedication, they would surely win it.

Everyone cheered in excitement and agreed to work extra hard in the coming weeks to prepare themselves for the tournament. The TPRC team members felt a strong bond among themselves, and they knew it would take them far.

As they wrapped up the training day, Ichikai and Aiyoshizawa approached the new members, assuring them that they were valued and had already made an impact in the team.

Sakura, Obi, and Tatsuo left the TPRC headquarters, feeling optimistic and excited about the future of the team. They felt a strong sense of belonging and knew that being part of TPRC would not only hone their skills but also allow them to form bonds with their fellow team members like a family. The next day and their first meeting with Aiyoshizawa and Ichikai with the newcomers

Sakura: Hey, guys! How are you finding TPRC so far?

Aiyoshizawa: It's been amazing! We've learned so much already.

Ichikai: Yeah, I can't believe how much we've accomplished in such a short time.

Obi: That's great to hear! We've been having a pretty good time too.

Tatsuro: I agree, although I must say I found some of the exercises quite challenging.

Aiyoshizawa: Yeah, I know what you mean. But it's all worth it in the end.

Sakura: Definitely. So, how about we talk about our first group exercise?

Obi: Yeah, that was definitely an experience.

Ichikai: I agree. It was definitely a test of our teamwork and communication skills.

Tatsuro: And we passed with flying colors!

Aiyoshizawa: That's right! And we couldn't have done it without everyone's effort.

Sakura: That's what being part of a team is all about. Working together to achieve a common goal.

Obi: Exactly. And I think that exercise really set the tone for the rest of the program.

Ichikai: Agreed. It's been great to work with all of you.

Tatsuro: Likewise. I think we make a pretty good team.

Aiyoshizawa: Absolutely. And I'm looking forward to the rest of the program.

Sakura: Same here! Let's make the most of our time here at TPRC.

Obi: You got it! We're all in this together.

Ichikai: And we're going to make it count!

Tatsuro: Let's do this!

Aiyoshizawa: Yeah! Let's show everyone what we're made of!

All: (Cheers)

Few hours later. Aiyoshizawa was watching the TPRC newcomers closely. There was something about them that made her feel uneasy. It was as if they were hiding something.

As Aiyoshizawa observed them more closely, she noticed that they were constantly whispering to each other and looking around furtively. They seemed to be in a hurry to set up their equipment and start their research.

Aiyoshizawa decided to confront them. She walked up to their table and asked them what their research was about. The newcomers hesitated for a moment before one of them finally spoke up.

"We are researching the effects of electromagnetic radiation on plant growth," he said.

Aiyoshizawa was skeptical. It was a well-known fact that EM radiation had no effect on plant growth.

"I don't believe you," she said bluntly. "What are you really researching?"

The newcomers looked at each other nervously before one of them finally spoke up. "We're researching a new form of energy, one that could revolutionize the world," he said.

Aiyoshizawa was shocked. This was a major breakthrough, and if it was true, it would change the world as we knew it. She decided to help them in any way she could.

For the next few days, Aiyoshizawa worked closely with the TPRC newcomers, helping them conduct their research and collect data. And sure enough, they had made a major discovery. They had found a way to produce energy using a process called quantum entanglement.

It was a breakthrough that would change the world forever. And it was all thanks to Aiyoshizawa's intuition and willingness to take a chance on the newcomers.

As they walked through the streets, Ichikai and Aiyoshizawa couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right. The newcomers had arrived a few days ago and had caused quite a stir in the quiet town. No one knew where they had come from, and they seemed to keep to themselves.

Ichikai felt a sense of unease in his gut. He had always been able to read people, but these newcomers were a mystery. They had introduced themselves as travelers and said they were passing through but had decided to stay for a while. Ichikai couldn't shake off the feeling that they were hiding something.

Aiyoshizawa had a similar feeling. As they walked through the market, he noticed the locals giving the newcomers a wide berth. They spoke in hushed tones and cast wary glances in their direction. It was clear that they didn't trust them.

As they walked by the newcomers' inn, they noticed a strange smell emanating from the building. It was a sickly sweet odor that made Ichikai's nose itch. Aiyoshizawa noticed it too and exchanged a quick glance with Ichikai.

They continued to walk in silence until they reached the edge of town. Ichikai spoke up first. "Do you think something's off about them?"

Aiyoshizawa nodded. "Definitely. They give me the creeps."

Ichikai rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "We need to find out more about them. Something's not right."

Aiyoshizawa agreed, and the two decided to do a bit of investigating. They spent the next few days watching the newcomers' movements, trying to gather any information they could. They spoke to the locals and discovered that there had been some strange things happening in town since the newcomers had arrived.

Finally, they decided to confront the newcomers themselves. As they entered the inn, the sweet smell hit them again, but this time it was stronger than before.

The newcomers sat at a table, but as Ichikai and Aiyoshizawa approached, they stood up, and their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light. It was then that Ichikai and Aiyoshizawa knew for sure that these travelers were not who they claimed to be.

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