3. Introductions

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Poking my head out of the bathroom, I walked through what must have been the man's bedroom. Not wanting to be too nosy, I quickly walked out of the room, avoiding looking around too much.

Shuffling down the unfamiliar hallway, I admired the comfort of my new outfit. I had chosen a black, very soft, and very worn-in hoodie, and a pair of warm grey drawstring sweatpants that pooled at my ankles, adorned in thick white knit socks. It all smelled so comforting- something warm and spicy mixed with something else familiar that I couldn't quite put my finger on. 

The concrete walls and ceilings continued through the hallway, but the floor was charming old hardwood. A few photos adorned a long rustic console that ran along the hall. I couldn't help but look at them- one of someone who was most likely his mother, another of him with his arms around three men, and a photobooth strip of him with one of the three men from the previous photo. My heart dropped a little at the bottom square, a picture of him and the other man kissing.

Of course, it had to be too good to be true... I thought to myself. 

But I thought back to the moment we shared in the bathroom. There's no way I was the only one that felt whatever that was back there. Or was I truly just concussed?

I continued down the hall and stepped into a breathtaking room.

I stared at the giant wall entirely made up of gridded windows. Beyond the window wall was a patio full of greenery- a private little oasis. The ceilings soared in the giant room that housed what looked like the kitchen, living room, and dining room. The decor was artistic and modern while still looking homey and lived in. I nearly bumped into the vintage pool table that sat to the left of the doorway, I was so breath taken.

It became even more unbelievable when I remembered that we were supposed to be above the coffee shop. 

"You look lovely." I turned to see the man smiling cheekily behind the kitchen island as he plucked ice cubes out of a tray and into a bag. He was now wearing a brown striped knit crewneck with black trousers. His wet hair was pushed back into a ballcap. He looked so effortlessly handsome. I smiled back at him as I momentarily thought back wistfully to when I could see his tattoos through his shirt.

"How are you feeling, still cold?" he asked, his brows now furrowing as he rushed over to the couch to pick up a large orange blanket.

"A little, but the clothes and the tea are helping. Thank you for that, by the way."

He nodded his head affirmatively as he put the blanket around my shoulders. He gestured to the couch.

"You have nothing to thank me for, don't be silly. Now your burn, how is your burn?" he asked as I sat down, him continuing to bundle me up in the blanket, eyes looking up at me intently.

My heart skipped a beat. I was so touched by how caring and concerned he was. I was a total stranger to this man, and yet he treated me like kin.

"It's a lot better actually. I don't know if it's the painkillers or just that I'm going numb from the pain, but it's not nearly as bad" I said, as he winced in response. 

He promptly stood up and strode over to the kitchen island, picking up the bag of ice and wrapping it in a hand towel. I saw him start to reach to put the ice on me and then stop himself, putting it in my hand instead.

He sat down in a large armchair as I put the ice on my chest, any pain I still felt immediately relieved.

"Thank you... what's your name?" I said, realizing.

A mix of emotions riddled his face. He looked slightly surprised, but pleasantly. And definitely happy. I wondered if he didn't expect me to have asked, maybe he thought I would have just left out the door after he left me on my own in the bathroom.

Anything -- a Matty Healy FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang