A Gruvia Wedding

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As soon as Juvia's eyes opened the morning of her wedding, nerves settled in her stomach, as heavy as a brick. They had waited only four months after Gray's engagement to get married, and that day had finally come. Although she was excited to be marrying Gray, she was more nervous that she had ever been before.

"Juvia, are you awake?" Cana's voice sounded through her apartment as she knocked on the door. "We need to get going so we can get you all dolled up for this evening!"

Juvia made her way to the door and opened it for one of her closest friends. Lucy and Erza were there as well, the three of them smiling brightly at her. "Good morning," she told them, unable to keep the smile from her face as she let them inside. "Juvia is sorry, she just woke up."

"You still have a few hours before the ceremony, so no worries," Lucy chuckled. "We'll head over to the guildhall while you're taking a shower and packing up. Then we need to get to the train station."

"Juvia won't take long," she promised. As soon as they had gone, she jumped in the shower and quickly washed her hair and body. After that, she dried off and threw on a green tank dress that fell to just above her knees and a pair of black sandals. Once we get to the rental house, I get to put on my dress! Eagerly, she packed a bag and ran to Fairy Tail, not wanting to keep her friends waiting.

"Perfect timing," Cana smiled, wrapping her arm around Juvia's shoulders as she turned her around and began walking towards the train station. "We were just about to come find you—make sure you didn't bolt before the wedding."

"Juvia would never run away from Gray-sama!" She gasped, indignantly.

Cana laughed, "I know, Juvia. I bet you've been counting down the seconds since yesterday, huh?"

"N-Not really," she said, her nerves returning, the brick settling in her stomach once more.

"Don't be nervous," Erza said as they took their seats on the train and it began moving. "Everything will be fine.

She nodded, though she couldn't help the nerves that still remained. She wanted her wedding with Gray to be perfect. She had never been with anyone who had made her so perfectly happy, so she hoped that he felt the same way about her. She feared that Gray would have second thoughts about their wedding, thinking they may have rushed into things, since they hadn't even been dating for a whole year yet.

"Juvia," Cana said, "we're here."

Juvia followed them off the train, frowning when she noticed that the sky looked quite dark. I hope it doesn't rain. Since they were getting married on the beach, rain would ruin everything. We'd have to postpone the wedding until it finished. Another brick of nerves was added to the first as they walked to the rental beach house they had purchased so they could get ready close to where the ceremony would be on the beach.

"It'll be fine," Lucy said in reassurance, grabbing her hand. She must have sensed Juvia's anxiety, and Juvia was grateful. Lucy squeezed her hand, smiling at the bluenette as they finally reached the beach house.

"There you are," Levy grinned, meeting them inside the doors. "Gray has been banished to the left side of the house for now, so that we could sneak you in without him seeing you. Natsu, Lyon, and Loke are keeping him busy."

"Do you have the dress?" Erza asked.

Levy nodded. "It's in the bride's room," she said. She led them to a room in the right side of the house.

"Now, let's get you in this thing," Cana chuckled, handing Juvia the beautiful gown she had chosen for the wedding. The top was a simple sweetheart neckline, and it was form-fitted until her hips. The bottom was loose, and fell to her knees. Over the whole dress, creating a second layer, was a lacey material that hung to her knees in the front and trailed to the ground in the back. Swirls of blur throughout the lace gave the dress almost the appearance of waves. Since they would be getting married on the beach, she had wanted something light yet beautiful, both qualities she had found in her dress.

It's a Gruvia Life [Gruvia] {The FT Love Chronicles; Book 4.5}Where stories live. Discover now