Chapter 7 - Punishment

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Ethan dropped me off at home.

"If you need anything, I'm just a phone call away."

I nodded lightly and waved him bye. My mum was not yet at home and it meant I had to fix something for myself to eat. I didn't know whether I was prepared to tell her about the breakup. Maybe she shouldn't know yet. I practiced putting on a cheerful face so that nobody would know I was going through a moment of heartbreak.

Why did Jace have to do this to me? He knew I loved him with my all yet he chose to leave me for that bitch. I almost cut myself, constantly thinking about him while I prepared the meal.

After cooking, I served myself a bit of the rice and sauce and left the rest for mum. I was becoming a pro at cooking already.

I ate in silence and alone. It was 5:30 but mum was still not at home. She might have worked extra time. After eating I finished my assignments quickly and learnt something.

It was 8:00 when I thought it was the right time to sleep. I washed down and went to sleep. I would wake up very early to continue studying.

My phone beeped and a message came through from my mum

I'll be home in 10 mins time: MUM🌍

I sent her a quick 'sure'. I noticed I had a lot of other messages from my friends including Jace but I ignored them all and replied to Ethan's goodnight text.

Just like that I dozed off to sleep.

I was late for school. After waking up at dawn and studying, I thought it would be a good idea to nap a while but I ended up in deep sleep.

I woke up very late and mum was already gone. She might have thought I had left. I freshened up and did the whole preparation thing before heading out of the house but it was locked. Good heavens.
I looked thoroughly through the bag before finding the key and letting myself outside and having to lock it behind me again.

I had probably missed the bus so there was no need walking to the bus area. I took the shortcut while semi-walking-run. Is that even a word?

There was a car beep from behind me and I realized it was Jace's car when it stopped in front of me.

"Get in Teri you're late."

"I'd rather walk than ride with you." I spat at him and walked away.

He drove further to me and parked the car in front of me on the pavement. This was illegal! He got out of the car and walked to me.

"Please Teri. Get in and let's talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. I've already made my conclusions. I'm done with you."

"I'm sorry Teri please just listen to me. I'll understand if you don't want us to continue the relationship but please hear me out."

I opened my mouth to speak but Ethan appeared with his car and he motioned for me to get in.

"Please keep whatever you have to say to yourself. Nothing is going to change my mind now." saying this, I walked over to Ethan's car and he drove me to school.

Class was a blur. The school had got to know about everything yes high school for you. It was lunch but instead of making a beeline for the cafeteria, I made it to the Principal's office.

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