Chapter 1

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Emma's pov:
"Zelena's pregnant, with Robin's child" Regina whimpered into my chest. We were sat on her sofa with the TV aimlessly playing in the background. She'd called me round after hearing the news, wanting a friend to talk to. "How? It's..." I stuttered, "It's impossible!"
"Did you never have the talk? It's possible!" She replied with her sassy tone fighting for presence.
"I know, but Zelena?"
"What do I do Emma?" Her soft voice broke into a wave of tears. My heart wanted to say leave him, stay with me. I would never do that.
"Shots always make me feel better" I said as I reached to the shelf grabbing a bottle of vodka with a couple of shot glasses. "Why did I expect anything else, Swan?" She laughed half heartedly and grabbed a glass and filled it with alcohol.

Countless more drinks were poured. One by one, we were tipping them our throats like we wouldn't see tomorrow. If it was, I'd be happy to spend with Regina Mills. I felt like I could completely relax when I was with her. I could be Emma. I didn't have to be the saviour, the product of true love, the believer. I could be me.

After several more shots and tipsy conversations, I decided it was enough for Regina. She looked so gorgeous slumped over with her arm resting on my shoulder. She was wearing a burgundy blouse covered in a black leather jacket. God, she could make anything look sexy! Her once knee length skirt was crumpled around her thighs. Her heels had been thrown off while underneath laid a feather tattoo along the side of her foot.
"A tattoo?" I asked curiously wondering when she'd got it.
"Yeah, I've had it ages" She replied. The alcohol had helped her forget Robin but it wouldn't last for long and the wound was still fresh.
"Do you want to go upstairs?" I said with the intention to put her to bed so she could have some rest.
"Is this you coming on to me, Swan?" It was. This woman, this goddess was beautiful yet had an ugly side to her, was strong yet she was weak when she needed to be. She was perfect, just truly perfect. But here she was, crying over some man whom she loved. And here I was, dating a pirate so that I wouldn't constantly pine over her. I still do. Of course I was coming onto her.
"You wish it was" I replied, unable to share my own feelings after she'd shared hers. For what seemed an eternity, we sat there just gazing into each other's eyes. Her dark brown eyes, held stories that I'd never even dreamt of. They held feelings of passion and hunger, but they mostly just held sadness. She'd lost her shot at a happy ending, for what the tenth time?

By the time we'd made it up the stairs it had just gone midnight and she had ventured into her bathroom to get ready. I sat on the verge of her bed and began to roll the covers down in order for her to get in. I'd already closed the curtains so I began to switch on the lamp.
"Are you okay?" I called. Silence.
"Yes!" She snapped opening the door. Tears were streaming down her soft makeup free face.
"Is it Ro...?" I got cut off before I could answer by more uncontrollable sobbing.
"What do I do?" She cried falling onto her bed. I sat beside her.
"Nothing, wait for him to come and apologise. He needs to sort things out, he can't just leave you. You know that he doesn't love Zelena, he thought it was Marian. He loves you!" I emphasised.
"What if... What if he doesn't come?" She replied. Screw him, he doesn't know what he has.
"Just go to sleep Regina, you need rest" I whispered as I switched off the main light leaving only the lamp. I laid a kiss on her forehead.
"Goodnight!" I called, "I love you." The latter under my breath.

Heyyy💖 So this is my first time writing a fanfic so I was just wondering, did you like the story so far? Is it too short, too long or okayy? I don't knowww😂🙈💖 So please comment below what you p
Love youuuusss💍💜🔮

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