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After we finally got to Florida, we stopped at a gas station. My mom was the only one who got out. It was in a scary area so she brought our dog with her. A man approached her. I listened through the car window. "I'm going to give you about 10 dollars, and then you're going to leave me alone," my mom said.

That's it.
I got out of the car and slammed the door. The man backed up. I didn't mean to scare him, but the 95 lb German Shepard should have been enough of a warning for him. I walked behind the car and stood next to my mom. "Here's what you're going to do," I started, "you're going to take the FIVE dollars that IM going to give you, and you're going to turn around back to your little boyfriends and leave us alone or I swear to whatever God there is out there, that I will send my dog on you and trust me, you will feel every second of it." My dog, with a choke collar on, growled at the other man approaching us. The man backed up and talked to his friend. I stayed out of the car at the gas station.

When we left the gas station, the men who we sent followed us onto the highway. We hid behind a semi, and they sped past us. It took another five hours to get to our house.

We drove up to a community. The sign said,'Welcome to the Cottages at ........' I didnt see the name but all I thought of was 'I live in a fucking cottage, perfect.' When we were at the house, I walked in and smelled windex and floor cleaner. I walked around and found my bathroom. I went and looked in all the drawers for all my things. They must've been in my room with the rest of my stuff. I put my bag on the counter in my bathroom and walked out. I looked to my left and saw my bedroom. I walked in and saw a room with light yellow walls and my bed, that my dad and his father set up for me.

After unpacking the car, my mom went to take a nap after the all-nighter she pulled. I put on a swimming suit I could find and went in the pool.

It was 4 hours and my dad still wasn't home, but I was still in the pool. I kept swimming. To this day, I believe it's the saddest swim I've ever taken.

My dad got home 30 minutes later. He came out to the pool and smiled. "Hey anya!" He said. I looked and smiled back, "hi, dad" I got out after talking about the trip and got in the shower. The thing was disgusting. I needed to clean everything. I wanted my old house back.

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