Chapter II: The nightmare..

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Heyo! Shadow here! Im actually going to start working on this story again. This half of the story is going to worked during a school night so if they're many spelling mistakes I will update it soon. I apologize in advance. This chapter will ONLY be Hina POV (Agent 8 pov). Anywho enjoy this chapter everyone!!

Play the audio for background music

Agent 8 POV

I wake up to some dark and Strange place. I quickly get up from the ground. I noticed that im wearing my octarain outfit. Weird. I then I start some music at the other side of the room. I start walking towards it. Its gets louder and louder and LOUDER. I open the doors that lead me into the exact stage that changed my life forever. The battle between DJ Octavio and Agent 3. I rewatch the fight happen in front of my eyes.

As the fight continues my head starts getting fuzzy, my mind gets haze, and I blackout.

I wake up again. This time the floor has a familiar temperature to it. I slowly get up as my head starts to hurt. The pain also feels familiar. Too familiar. Then the moment I look at the outfit im wearing. I realize I'm at the Deep sea metro. The ONE PLACE I HATE. I start to run. I run as fast as I can. Then when I stop running I end up at the human statue. The statue that cause me the most trauma. The statue that cause me the most pain. The statue that made me cry. The statue that RUINED MY LIFE. I stare at it. Then I feel something in my hands. An octo shot.

I take one good look at it then I head a timer start. "Great..." I say. Then after that I start completing the challenge I hated the most. After the 3 minutes were up I fall, I fall to my demise.

I wake up again. The same place I woke up too not to long ago. The same floor, the same outfit, and the same battle. It's a loop. A loop that I hate to relive. This loop continues until I wake up in terror.

I'm terrified. I quietly get out of my bed. And I grab my journal and pen and go to the kitchen. I write in my journal, the words i never thought I would write.

This is 8. I'm writing this in fear. I had the same nightmare I've been having for a month now. I hate it. I just wish it would stop, but it doesn't it keeps looping and looping abs looping all over again and it sucks! I really hate that I have to keep reliving the thing I hate the most! I know hate is a strong word but I just hate it!!! I just wish someone would take my pain away. The pain I hate the most. The pain I suffered for. Its not fair. These are words of selfishness, these are words of hate. I'm in sorrow. I hate this feeling. I hate it I hate it I hate it!! Make it go away....

I put down my pen ans cry. I cry for hours. I cry till I don't feel anything anymore. I don't think about anything or anyone. I just cry. I cried myself to sleep on the kitchen counter.

Then it all happens all over again.

I'm worthless. Pathetic even. I can't let this event go...

I was hoping to make this chapter longer but my brain is not working and I dont have anymore ideas for this chapter. I hope I explained Hina's pain in a good way. Now I'll be off and the next chapter of the story will come soon <3 thank you for waiting for my dumbself to actually make the next chapter of this story and I hope you all have a good day or night my lovely's. Stay lurking in the shadows, my shadow friends! - Shadow

671 words

The Inkling And The Octoling || (female Agent 3, and 8) Where stories live. Discover now