( 001 ─ info )

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kenneth samuel stephens

kenny, ken

kenneth ─ handsome
samuel ─  god has heard
stephens ─ crown / garland

(flexible, around finney and robin's age)

december 12th


comics, writing, drawing, soft blankets, poetry, the drive in, stargazing, traveling, dogs, bluebirds, seeming tough, bugs, football, occult things, magic

fire, thunderstorms, sweet things, worms, small spaces, cleaning, arguments, being wet, basements, being cold, quiet places, snakes

bisexual, female pref

color ─ dark green
season ─ summer
weather ─ slightly windy, sunny days
food ─ white chocolate
song ─ california dreaming, the mamas and papas
animal ─ squirrels
object ─ his fathers old watch, it doesn't work anymore, but he wears it anyway
movie ─ rocky horror picture show
person ─ elvis presley


they're a light, greyish green color. his eyelashes are long and light brown.

he takes pride in his hair, keeping it tidy and in a meticulously styled bedhead at all times. he wears it in a sort of mullet style.

kenneth is built like a runner, being on the shorter side. he has strong legs and a lean, trim torso. he looks fit, with a slight stomach.

he has a single earring in his left lobe, he chickened out before he could get the other one done.

a small, thin line across his upper arm from when he was a child.

he has absolutely luscious lips, always putting chapstick on. he's very particular about his looks, always making sure he looks great.


kenny grew up in a rich family. his father is a politician and his mother is a criminal defense lawyer, and he hates it. his parents are always arguing at home, but appearing head over heels in love in public. on a whole, they ignore him, so he spends a lot of time getting into random bullshit. he feels like a poster boy of some sort, always being paraded around as the perfect son, the golden boy of denver, the star quarterback and all that jazz. he has his own secrets. a set of tarot cards, a ouija board, books about magic,  and a ton of other "satanic" items sits in a large box tucked away in the corner of his room. hidden from parents who would surely flay him alive for keeping that type of stuff in their house. damn prudes, he thinks.
you'd think he'd be stuck up but he likes being able to help people when he can. so when an old magician needs help carrying his things in exchange for a magic trick, he can't help but be giddy with excitement.
that of course, led to him waking up dazed in a basement.he had tried being nice, before he made his attack. lunging for and grabbing the mans mask, yanking it off and clutching it to his chest. it was a stupid decision, kenny thought. the man shouted, covering his and storming up the stairs.
he returned with an axe and the rest is history.

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