( 002 ─ headcanons )

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kenny has a slight southern drawl to his voice, it comes from having lived in georgia until he was eight, before moving to north denver because his mother's parents were getting old.

his aunt is the one who got him into occult things. as a child he was always interested in creepier types of things, but his aunt ida really fostered that. teaching him all about it.

there are a lot of semi-famous people in the family, so he often feels pressured to be like them. his father says he should be a politician like him, but he wants to be a comic writer.

hates being called ken, because his little sister likes to compare him to the ken doll.

his love language is giving people expensive gifts.

when calling finney, he has to hold his head in one hand and the phone in the other, accidentally scaring the shit out of finney because he dropped his head and it rolled towards him.

he acts like a golden retriever, wants to be everyone's friend all the time. he can be incredibly annoying, and doesn't totally understand social cues, so he doesn't actually have that many actual friends.

as a ghost he likes to make many, many, many jokes about not having a head.

he has a great intuition, and is often guessing when it comes to anything.

has poor grades, desperately needs help studying but doesn't want to ask anyone to bother them.

will cry if a dog dies in a movie.


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