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Unforeseen, you entered my universe
And soon we discovered, our common bonds rehearse
In every way, we grew close
Talking and chatting, like cosmic flows

Despite some differences we retain
We respect and find ways to gain
Our friendship flourishes like the stars above
Building bridges, boundless like cosmic love

Time has flown, a year has passed
Like celestial bodies, moving so fast
Our memories we hold tight
Like the moon that shines in the dark of night

From afar, we keep in touch
Like celestial bodies, that never rush
Even though we haven't met in person
Our connection is like the Milky Way, an endless version

My grateful fate brought you my way
A person, honest and true, like the sun's ray
You became important in my galaxy
A source of joy, amidst life's complexity

I'm grateful for the conversations we've shared
For the support and comfort we both bared
Your presence is a gift, so dear
Like the stars that twinkle, year after year

As I reflect on our cosmic journey
I realize that stars, like us, have a destiny
They shine bright, but eventually fade
But their light lives on, like a cosmic cascade

Know that I'm always here for you
Like gravity, pulling us through
Through the highs and lows, we stand strong
Together we face anything, like a cosmic throng

Our connection is a celestial wonder
And I hope it lasts, like the sky's thunder
May we continue to grow and learn
Like the universe, our bond will never adjourn

Thank you for being a constant in my universe
Like the constellations, shining so diverse
As we journey through the cosmic skies
Know that I'm always here, as our light never dies.

Walang hanggang Tula by: Edcel O Dela CruzWhere stories live. Discover now