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continuing ..

"What's so important to talk about that you sent my kids out my room" She said tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner before look at her kid's father. "Man I miss you like real bad but you playing on my top like crazy" Glock said rubbing on Karin's bare thigh. "You miss me or my pussy Markeyvius"

"Both I haven't had any since our last time 3 months ago bro i'm losing my mind without it" he laughed kissing on her neck. Karin moaned slightly into his ear, grabbing the rim of his shorts to let his manhood free. Once it sprung free and hit her ass, it basically sent her over the edge, she took his penis into her hand while he slid her thong to the side, before pushing himself into her slowly.

"Ion want to hear none of that loud shit because my kids in the house right now" glock said picking up his pace. "Mmm" Karin moaned lowly before whispering "go faster papa" with that glock picked up his pace pushing himself into karin deeper and faster, making sure she was holding her jiggly ass cheek up so it was giving him a little more access.

"Fuck baby I don't want to go another day without us being a big family, i'm sorry i fucked up and lost you and the chance to have my kids in a household where their parents are together as a whole" Markeyvius said in between breaths before finding her stop and pounding her deep.
"Mmm im boutta cum baby mmm" she moaned lowly before she started cumming on his manhood. "Fuckkk" Glock moaned quietly before filling her up with his cement. After a couple minutes he slowly pulled out of her as her phone started ringing displaying "Rakeem" on the phone screen next to them.

"Shit" Karin mumbled to herself as looked over at the phone screen wishing he didn't call in this moment because she knew how glock was going to react but she kinda didn't care so she grabbed the phone before declining the call getting up off the bed.

On the other end when Markeyvius looked over and seen the name his blood started to boil, he felt like she was just dragging him along when she was entertaining other men. So he got up grabbed one of her wipes from her night stand wiping his manhood down before pulling his shorts back up.

Not even giving Karin his attention he grabbed his belongings and walked out the room shutting the door back. Karin hopped in the shower doing her daily routine while her mind was racing a mile a minute, she felt bad that Glock seen another man calling her after he just said he was trying to fix thing, but to her it wasn't anything serious with Rakeem, they've only been out twice, bowling and dinner, he's never been around her kids or her house, so she felt it wasn't anything for him to storm out or get mad about.

After showering and putting on some nike spandex shorts, nike sports bra and some fluffy socks she walked down the stairs seeing her kids laying around chilling. "Where y'all dad and toots" Karin called out walking into the kitchen to grab s water bottle before joking her kids in the living room.

"In toots play room, he came down stairs pissed until he seen toots woke playing with my hair" Meir spoke while his attention was on his game of 2k he was playing. "Mm ion know why he gotta attitude but ohk, where y'all wanna go today" "or go school shopping because y'all ass ain't waiting last minute i'll tell y'all asses right now" she said pulling her phone out responding to Rakeem.

Damn just hang up on a nigga
fuck i do to you shawt?

lol 😂 you didn't do anything,
but what you need boy?

Man whatever 😂 chill with
the boy shit word to but what
you doing tonight?

hanging with my kids today,
gotta school shop but i'm
clueless i haven't seen anything
that says otherwise rakeem 🙃!
Seeing the bubbles Karin was snapping out her trance hearing "Me an y'all ma was talking type shit an we'on think this gone work so if an when we find somebody an we're ready for y'all to meet them be respectful, until that time comes, ian gone be coming over here everyday but ian gone, i'm one phone call away i'm not leaving y'all type shit i'm y'all daddy through whatever" Markeyvius spoke not even looking at Karin, not only did it shock her it pissed her off because they didn't have this conversation at all.

"Markeyvius get the fuck out my house yo, you sitting in here telling my kids some shit that didn't even happen like be fucking for real, you swear you some good nigga acting like you ain't the one that fucked that relationship up but it's you, you never take responsibility" Karin expressed walking towards him "that getting back together shit really dead now, don't come over begging for pussy it's somebody else now" she said low enough for him to hear her an not the kids.

On the floor Kennedy was stuck just letting her tears fall, she was s big daddy's girl but she was a huge mommy girl and she wanted them to be a family, she seen first hand how her parents were happy when she was growing up with them because they had her and her fraternal twin Kingston when they were sixteen and seventeen. She just wanted that happy home again but she knew it was over once she saw her mom texting a couple dudes the other night she was sleeping with her.

Kingston on the other hand was pissed that his dad didn't have the balls to talk to his mom before making a decision, he already had a little hate for his pops because he broke his moms heart, they had to watch her cry herself to sleep at night all while being pregnant carrying their little sister.

"Bro move she chillin fuck is you trying to take her away from me for, like you was quick to throw it for some other nigga without even letting me show you that i'm trying to do better so we can be a family Karin. Do you see see how this shit affecting my kids" Markeyvius said still holding a crying Kaiyoni in his arms because her mom was trying to grab her.

"Give me my daughter Amon like this all your fault dude, we were just good literally because i got that text, you didn't even let me explain it before you started acting like a bitch" "and i'm not trying shit at nobody, he took me out twice, we text occasionally, he makes me smile, his timing is right but i'm not ready for him. It's you it's always been you, never have I once fucked you over I love you too much to do that and for the sake of our kids and my heart I wanted to give you another shot, so why do this Amon why" she looked up at him with teary eyes.

People might think she's dumb for going back but she's been with this man for twenty something years, she didn't want to start over, she couldn't he had her heart, but she was starting to wonder if she needed to let him go? did she need him to love them from a distance? So she could experience something new? She didn't know and it was confusing her.

Grabbing her and pulling her into his embrace he held her kissing her cheek while she let the tears fall. "I'm sorry mamas ok, I'm trying it just made me mad that there's even another nigga or niggas getting your attention, but I get that you're single so my apologies baby. I didn't mean to disrespect you in front of our kids that was a low blow it'll never happen again I promise, now give me a kiss" Glock spoke holding her chin while holding heavy eye contact with Karin.

"Ugh you stress me out so much Markeyvius but let's try it again ok I want you, I want us as a whole" Karin said before kissing him slowly. Adding his tongue Glock grabbed her throat tightly before groaning. "Nigga the kids stop" She giggled after pulling away turning to her kids.

"We're sorry all had to see had but just know we love each other and we love each of y'all wholeheartedly" Karin said pulling her two older children into her embrace. "We love you too dukes and pops" the twins said in unison.With that the family of five went to get dressed ready to start their day as a big happy family.

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