(IV) Minefield

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Once inside the palace, Branch did his best not to be detected by any of the bergens before he could have an idea of ​​where he was, or where they might be holding the rest. To avoid being discovered, he hid behind a table while he watched as several bergens who appeared to be servants moved junk and decorations from one place to another. Whatever it was, the bergens were preparing for something big, and surely the captured trolls were the main event.

Branch used his hair to grab hold of one of the table legs and propel himself into one of the service carts that one of the servants was dragging through the corridors. The jump was fast, fast enough that no one noticed. However, Branch had to use all his strength to stop dead once inside the cart, because when he fell inside, he almost cut his face with a sharp knife that stood out from the rest of the utensils. If it hadn't been for his quick reaction, he would surely have lost his left eye. But the inside of the cart was even more chilling.

Around him, Branch could see hundreds of porcelain plates about ten times bigger than him, as well as very sharp knives, forks, and spoons. Clearly, the bergens were preparing for a banquet, and Branch could imagine who would be the main dish.

While he was lost in thought, an unevenness caused the cart to shake, causing various sharp and pointed objects to pounce on the troll. Branch did everything possible to dodge them, but he couldn't foresee how the tip of a fork would sink into his back, just below his right lung.

The pain was excruciating, and the little troll used all his strength to hold back his cries of pain. Staying longer in that place would be extremely risky, so he took advantage of a distraction from the bergen who was pulling the cart to jump after a huge vase that decorated the corridors of the castle. Once there were no "moors on the coast", Branch took the opportunity to propel himself with his hair and land on one of the candelabras that rested on the castle wall. Fortunately, it was barely noon, which ensured that the chandelier was out and cool enough for the troll to check his wound.

Fortunately, the injury didn't seem to be that serious. The tip of the huge fork seemed to have torn his skin a bit, but hadn't hit any major organs. Branch took off his vest and used a bandage to stop the bleeding, which he wrapped around his back and abdomen, but not before applying a paste of medicinal herbs that he prepared and packed before leaving on the trip. Once the wound was treated, Branch tried to put on his vest again, but the rubbing of the garment with the bandage was very uncomfortable. To make matters worse, the weight of her massive pack rested right on top of the wound, making carrying it impossible. With no other choice, Branch had to abandon all his equipment in that place, taking only the knife, which he placed on his back so as not to touch the wound. With luck, their belongings would be burned by a clueless bergen who lit the chandelier without even looking to see if there was anything inside. But at that moment, Branch had no other choice.

While he was recovering, a loud scream made him hide his head once more. The angry and authoritarian voice came from an enormous double door, and before Branch could think about whether or not to go check it out, a small bergen hurriedly opened the doors while pushing a service cart. Branch couldn't believe his luck, since right over the cart was a large cage, and inside it, the kidnapped trolls. Branch didn't have much time to identify them all before the bergen turned down one of the corridors and got out of sight, but at least he was able to identify Biggie by his size, the twins with their intertwined hair, Guy Diamond for his great shine and Cooper who stood out among all. There were three or four other trolls, but Branch didn't have time to identify them all.

Without wasting a minute, Branch took a vial from his inventory and held it in his teeth as he followed the bergen closely. He used his peculiar hair like a whip to swing from one chandelier to the next, never getting close enough to be detected, or too far away to lose sight of them after making a fork in the huge halls of the palace. The bergen pulled the cart until he reached a room, the doors of which opened once the cart hit them hard, and then closed again.

Verifying that there was no one nearby, Branch finally descended to the ground and carefully approached the huge doors. The closer he got, the more nervous he was. Suddenly, a rumble was felt inside the room, loud enough to shake the stone floor. Branch hurried thinking the worst, but the doors were not going to open easily. Branch had to use all his strength to push them, and even lean with his metal blade to keep them open while he could enter. That was an incredibly difficult task, not to mention the wound on his back, which had further stained the bandage with his blood from having to exert such force.

Once inside, Branch got a strange surprise. The room seemed to be a huge kitchen, with gigantic metal pots in each corner. Right in the middle, a huge pile of dirty pans loomed like a huge mountain for the diminutive troll. And even more strange, to the left of the premises, was a huge bed where the bergen cried incessantly. Branch hurried to hide without having time to wonder what was happening, but just a few seconds later, the bergen turned over and fell fast asleep. What's more, he was snoring as loud as the gallop of a herd of bison.

What Branch did next was a reckless act, even closer to stupidity. The troll approached where the bergen lay, and carefully climbed onto the bed. Branch knew his own, so he did everything possible so that the rest of the trolls did not notice his presence, while they kept silent with their heads down inside the cage. Once up, Branch approached very carefully and took a piece of cloth to cover his mouth and nose, while he analyzed the enormous creature. The troll was able to realize that it was a very young female bernard, with an old and tattered dress, and short pink hair topped by little bows that covered her entire head. Very carefully, he grabbed the berten's dress and delicately climbed over her body. Branch's weight was insignificant, and the bergen, who snored like a truck engine, didn't flinch. Then, Branch took the strange bottle, removed the cork, and poured a singular transparent liquid on the face of the bergen.

Upon contact with the strange liquid, the bergen's face began to contract. She showed imminent signs that she was going to wake up while Branch took a few steps back until he leaned on the creature's chest. The bergen's nose twitched, as if an itch was bothering her, and her eyes began to open a little. Branch had no intention of moving, instead, he held the blade in his hand, ready to slit the creature's throat if it ever woke up. Fortunately, the bergen fell back into an even deeper sleep than the previous one, and Branch was able to relax a bit. And without warning, a voice was heard behind him.

????: - Look! It's Branch. -

Branch turned around, and he could see Biggie looking at him in amazement, while the rest of the caged trolls came closer to watch. Quickly, Branch propelled himself with his hair and landed on the table where the cage rested while removing the piece of cloth from his face, an incredible four meters away from where he was. When Branch stopped in front of the cage, those who were trapped began to cheer up and sing with excitement, but their happiness did not last long.

Seeing the ignorance of his peers, Branch hit the metal bars of the cage hard with his knife, causing a dry sound that scared everyone present.

Branch: - Are you crazy? Do you want them to kill us all? -

The others could easily understand, so they decided to keep quiet while Branch unlocked the cage using his blade. Fortunately it was a simple lock, nothing he couldn't fix.

The twins: - Hello handsome. -

They both said at the same time, while mischievously looking at Branch's well-defined pectorals and forearms. To everyone, the troll's strength was an astonishment, since none of them had ever seen him without covering his chest before. In addition, he always remained distant from everyone. Even so, Branch did not pay them the slightest attention.

Cooper: - Oh, dude. How is it possible that bergen did not wake up with such a fuss? - He said with his peculiar way of speaking.

Branch: - The chloroform will leave it outside for a while. -

The twins: - The what? - They asked in pairs.

Branch: - Chloroform. It's a... - He paused. - You know what? Forget about it. You wouldn't understand if I explained it. -

Branch was finally able to open the lock and one by one, the trolls began to come out of the cage. First Grandullon, then the twins, followed by Cooper, Diamond, and three other trolls that Branch didn't know. But someone else was missing.

Branch: - Wait. Where's Poppy? - They all looked at each other with sadness on their faces.

Grandullon: - She... She's not here. -

Trolls Fanfic - Branch to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now