(VII) Pact of Blood

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I recommend twice as much discretion as in the previous chapter.


King Gristle: - That was... !DELICIOUS! - He shouted with a euphoria never seen before.

Chef: - Wonderful! -

Chef clapped twice and a band of bergen mariachis invaded the room playing a joyous tune that warmed everyone's hearts. King Gristle watched in amazement as the band surrounded him and danced around him. Showing genuine happiness on his face, like that of a child who had just discovered a new passion. His face even showed tenderness, despite the yellow sauce that dripped from his mouth and stained his shirt. Complemented with some terrifying bloodstains.

Although from the euphoria that was capable of shaking the castle from the table, Branch couldn't even turn around. He was so scared that his muscles did not respond to him, and he could barely control his bladder. The chilling scene played in his mind over and over again, driving him to the brink of madness. Finally, a strong blow brought him out of the state he was in.

King Gristle left the room with little happy hops as the mariachi band followed him. The loud noise caused by the doors closing was what managed to get Branch out of the shock he was in. With much effort, he managed to move his hands, then his feet, and finally, he was able to turn around, only to see that Chef was left alone in the room.

At this point, Branch had given up all hope. Every cell in his body was screaming for him to run away as fast as he could. His brain was pushing him to the limit, trying to contain the urges to jump up and run for his life. But that was not the time. One misstep was all it took for his life to suffer the same fate. So, he decided to stay hidden on top of the chandelier until everyone left, but:

Chef: - It's so lovely to see a child smile for the first time. - She said after a long sigh. - Don't you think so... Princess Poppy? -

At that moment, a ray of lucidity crossed Ramón's brain from one end to the other. Hearing Poppy's name was all it took for the fear to leave his body. His extremities stopped shaking uncontrollably, his muscles were already reacting to his will and his appeased heart began to beat again with force.

Poking his head out, Branch could see Chef rummaging through the fanny pack he was wearing, pulling Princess Poppy out of the bag, holding onto it with her big hands. Poppy's face was torn with grief. She had seen from the front row how Creek had been devoured, as well as heard his dying screams and the crunching of his bones. She could barely move, Chef's fingernail brushing her neck. In addition, her muscles did not react due to fear either, tears ran down her face without being able to say a word, doing everything possible not to burst into tears in front of her predator.

Chef: - Oh... Don't cry little one... Because if you do... "I won't be able to enjoy my happiness." -

Chef's last words took Poppy's breath away, and she couldn't do anything before the bergen hid her inside her fanny pack again. Having secured her prey, Chef turned and stalked out of the room, ignoring the beast that had awakened behind her.

Branch, who was able to see every detail, lost much of his self-control. Chef's ruthless face when looking at her prey, Poppy's anguish and suffering, as well as how her wobbly legs, and her death-threatening neck, were the trigger for all the frustrations and spite that Branch had had in his life.

More by instinct than will, Branch managed to sneak among the staff, following Chef closely without her noticing his presence. He used his hair to jump from one place to another, hiding behind anything, leaving behind the Berten servants who transported ornaments and vessels from one place to another.

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