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Emu Otori has been dating Nene Kusanagi for seven years. They were high school sweet hearts and have been madly in love for eight years. It started with Nene quietly pining after Emu from the side lines. They were friends of course, they even worked together in a performance company for children. Nene was always quiet and barely spoke, usually allowing Emu to talk on. Emu had the speaking and Nene had the singing, that's how those two cooperated. But as time went on, Nene couldn't handle the inability to not hold Emu's hand. She told her a year after pining and Emu liked her back.

Nene has anxiety. It's pent up to the point that she cannot help but overthink every possible outcome. She made sure everything on their first ever anniversary was perfect, from the reservation, to the meal's display. She wanted Emu to have everything.

Emu was impulsive, she managed to ruin a few of Nene's plans just to give her a single flower. But with the wedding planning she wasn't allowed to surprise Nene with anything. No flowers, no surprise picnics. It would be too much for her fiance to handle.

That's why Emu made a plan. Her wedding day would have the biggest surprise ever. Nene was going to walk down the isle and see Emu had the biggest present for her. A present full of photos and trinkets she had left at high school the day they graduated. Of course it's been six years since she'd step foot there but she was fantastic friends with some of the teachers. This was no biggy... right?

Emu opened the door of her high school and noticed the glass case full of trophies. She picked up her fluffy white dress and ran to the case. Her eyes laid on the image of her holding Nene up, cheering while Nene laughed and sweat. They were both covered in mud and Tsukasa's watermelon smoothie. He had spilt it on them but they were still so happy. They won the track meet that day, first place. It was the day Nene asked Emu out.

"Excuse me, where's your hall pass?" said a feminine voice.

Emu turned to face the voice. It was Mafuyu. Her long purple hair was braided and put in a bun. She was wearing a suit and looked incredibly serious. Mafuyu's expression softened when she realized who it was.

"Emu?" she whispered.

"Mafuyu!" Emu squealed. She lifted her dress and ran up to Mafuyu. She cheered. "Hi! How are you? How's life? What's your job?"

Mafuyu was caught up with millions of questions, barely having time to answer them. "I'm okay, it's okay, principal. Please, what are you doing here, Emu?"

Emu smiled wide and spun in her dress. "I'm getting married!" Mafuyu widened her eyes. "I wanted to take a few photos or stuff from here, if that's okay?"

Mafuyu shook her head. "I can't let you do that."

Emu frowned. "Nooooooo!" She whined. "What am I supposed to do nowwww?"

Mafuyu sighed. "What do you need the things for?"

"A gift," Emu let her head fall to her chest. "I was gonna give Nene-Chan all the photos of us from here as a wedding gift."

Mafuyu smiled. "That's sweet."

Emu put her hands on her hips. "I know, right?! Nene-Chan is gonna love me!" She took a deep breath. "Sadly I can't do that."

Mafuyu nodded. "Well, you could buy her some flowers."

Emu shook her head. "She's walking down the isle."

Mafuyu crossed her arms. She looks at the photograph and then back at Emu.

"Fine," she sighs. Emu's face lights up. "I'll allow it... IF, and only if, you do not take the trophy."

Emu jumps into Mafuyu's arms and hugs her tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Mafuyu hugs her back. She smiles and releases herself from the tight grasp.

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