Chapter 2 - The Attack

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They didn't.

"Alright, this just in. James is officially going insane."

"It's not just insanity! It''s getting to my head!" I told my friends. "I could've sworn it was real. There's just something about it that...that just doesn't feel right...It isn't a regular dream..."

Sam chortled, his brown eyes dancing with humour. "Look, James. We came over to your place to chill, not play psychiatrist."

"For the first and hopefully the last time of my life, I agree with Sam." Real said, his voice losing its original Danish accent after having been in Britain for three years. "It's nothing, James. There's probably an article on dreaming about bloodbaths and creepy voices. You could ask your parents about it once they get back from work."

"They're GPs, not physiatrists-"

"The cab's here," Harold said as he unplugged his phone charger from the wall. "Norman told me he can't make it. He'll meet us at the cinema."

"Where have you been?" I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

"I've been nowhere, but everywhere," Harold said playfully.

"And does this nowhere include my bedroom?"


"Spit it out, Harold. What have you done to my room?" 

Harold shuffled his feet in mock guilt before saying: "I have not spray painted My Little Pony paintings all over your bedroom."

"Then what did you spray paint?"

"Baby Shark and the Powerpuff Girls. Much more macho."

Sam collapsed in laughter. He fell and rolled on the ground, tears forming in his eyes.

Real, meanwhile, was futilely hiding a grin behind his fist.

I took a deep breath and let out an agonised sigh.

"I checked your bags, your pockets and even the inside of your cap when you came in. How in the name of self-dignity did you even..."

Harold playfuly raised his eyebrows. 

"A good magician never reveals his tricks. But as a slight compensation, I'll pay the cab fares for all of us."

"And you pay for the snacks later during the movie."

Harold raised his arms in surrender. "Fair enough," He said, grinning.

A loud angry honk made me jump.

"Annnnd that's our cue to leave," Harold said. He made a comically exaggerated run to the door. "Autobots, roll out!"

I rolled my eyes. 

Real was the last one on the taxi, still fidgeting with the collar of his leather jeacket. The taxi driver was drumming his fingers on the wheel, tutting impatiently. 

"Y'all better be paying extra for this," The wizened man said in a wheezy, annoyed voice. "I didn't wait for 10 more minutes without some extra coppers." 

"Just take us to Redfield Mall. We'll see about the extras," Harold replied calmly. 

The old man muttered something about 'stupid young bastards' and fired up the engine of his run-down Toyota.

Real was looking at his reflection in the rearview mirror, combing his hair with his fingers. "Do I look okay?" He asked worriedly. 

"Flawless as usual, Real." I automatically said. It had become a routine for us every time we go out.

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