: ̗̀➛Ch. 1

726 17 10

(1st person)

I lay on the couch, feeling miserable and sick. My body ached and my head was pounding. I had no idea what kind of sickness had taken hold of me, but it was relentless. My mom had brought me some chicken noodle soup and the TV remote, giving me a kind smile before leaving the room. The first channel that came on was airing a commercial.

At first, I thought it would be some boring ad about medication or something else mundane. But as soon as I was about to change the channel, a soothing voice caught my attention.

"Welcome to Isla Quesadilla," the voice said, soft and inviting. "Look no further for the place of your wildest dreams."

I was hesitant to press the button that would change the channel. Something about the commercial intrigued me. My mom had been talking about wanting to go on vacation this summer, but we didn't have the funds to go far. I wondered how far away Isla Quesadilla was. I watched the commercial in fascination, captivated by the promise of adventure and relaxation.

As the commercial continued, my mind began to wander. I imagined myself on the sandy beaches of the island, the warm sun beating down on my skin. I could almost feel the sand between my toes and hear the waves crashing against the shore. The colors of the ocean, a deep blue-green, were so vivid in my mind that I could practically taste the salty air.

But as soon as the commercial ended, I snapped back to reality. The show that was playing before the commercial came back on, and I let out a frustrated sigh. I had wasted my time watching that stupid commercial, and it hadn't even told me where Isla Quesadilla was located. My soup had cooled down enough, so I took a spoonful, savoring the comforting taste and warmth.


I couldn't sleep. My body was still achy and my nose was stuffed up, but my mind was too restless to let me rest. I tossed and turned, staring up at the ceiling and feeling sorry for myself. It wasn't fair that I was stuck at home, sick and miserable, while the rest of the world went on without me.

Eventually, I gave up on sleep and grabbed my phone to scroll through social media. I had a few notifications, all from close friends of mine. I wasn't a super big Twitch streamer, so any notification I got I was grateful for. Suddenly, I got a new notification from Instagram. I never get notifications on Instagram. I didn't even know I had notifications on for Insta, that's how little I get notifications from it. I opened up Instagram, and it was someone who tagged me in the comments of a post. However, when I went to go see what the post was, I hesitated.

It was the commercial for Quesadilla Island. 

I stared at my phone screen in disbelief. The same commercial that had played on TV the night before was now on my Instagram feed. My friend had tagged me in the comments section, saying, "This looks like the perfect vacation spot for us!"

I couldn't believe it. Was this some sort of sign? The timing was too coincidental. My mind raced with thoughts of warm sand and crystal clear waters. There was a link in the caption of the post, and I was tempted to tap on it. But then, I hesitated. I didn't want to get my hopes up. What if it was all just a scam? What if there was no such thing as Quesadilla Island, and I was just setting myself up for disappointment? With a sigh, I closed the app and put my phone down. Maybe it was better to just focus on getting better and forget about this mysterious island altogether.

My eyes feeling heavy, I set my phone on my nightstand. I was still feeling restless, but my body was beginning to give in to the exhaustion that had overtaken it. The silence of the room was broken only by the sound of my own breathing and the occasional car driving by outside.

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