: ̗̀➛Ch. 5

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After he was done- he messed up a bit and needed a little help, but Roier and Spreen understood. Spreen nodded and started heading off. Roier walked over to Phil and started talking, Wilbur had already taken off with Charlie, and I was left by myself. Vegetta was still holding the book so I walked over to him.

"Hey Vegetta, what's up?" I smiled.

"Oh, uhm- hello, my little friend!" He grinned back.

"Como estas?" I held my hand out, gesturing towards the book.

He handed the book to me. "Muy bien! Aunque esta cansado. Y tú?"

"Igualmente! Pero yo estoy emocionado." I responded. I opened up the book, flipping through the pages. "Your English is very good, you know?" I glanced up at him.

"Ah- Gracias!" He kept smiling at me. "I try" His accent and the way he said certain things were kinda cute. I skimmed through the pages of the book. As I skimmed through the pages of the book, Vegetta stood beside me, observing with curiosity. The book contained detailed instructions and diagrams about the power restoration process on the island. It seemed like a complex task, but with the information provided, it was definitely doable.

"Vegetta, it looks like we have our work cut out for us," I said, glancing up at him. "But with the information in this book, I believe we can make a difference." I shut the book and pocketed it. Vegetta nodded in agreement, his enthusiasm unwavering. I started walking in a direction that none of the others had taken and Vegetta followed. As Vegetta and I ventured into unexplored territory, our eyes scanned the surroundings in search of the elusive planks needed for the water wheel. We examined bushes, checked inside chests, and explored abandoned buildings, hoping to find the materials that would contribute to restoring power on the island.

With each step, Vegetta and I trod cautiously, keeping our eyes peeled for any sign of the much-needed planks. The island's untamed beauty surrounded us, and the scent of tropical foliage permeated the air. We remained hopeful that our search would yield positive results. As we ventured deeper into the unexplored territory, we came across remnants of what seemed to be an old lumber yard. The decaying structures hinted at the island's past and its forgotten inhabitants. It was here that our perseverance paid off.

We had only found one plank, but a plank nonetheless. Vegetta insisted on carrying it. With a mixture of relief and determination, Vegetta carefully picked up the single plank we had discovered in the remnants of the old lumber yard. It was weathered and worn, showing signs of its age, but it represented a small victory in our mission to restore power to the island. After another half hour of searching, we decided to bring the one plank back to the rest of the group. With the solitary plank in Vegetta's possession, we retraced our steps, making our way back toward the rest of the group. As we walked, the weight of the plank served as a constant reminder of our progress and the importance of our mission. The island's natural beauty and the mystery it held seemed to accompany us on our journey.

As we approached the gathering point, we could see the others huddled together, engaged in animated discussions. Wilbur and Charlie were examining a map, while Fit and Phil were deep in conversation. Spreen and Roier stood nearby, scanning the horizon for any signs of our return. When they noticed us approaching, the group's attention shifted towards Vegetta, who proudly held up the solitary plank. There seemed to be the rest of the planks in a pile nearby the others.

As the group's attention turned toward Vegetta and the plank he held, I couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity. I glanced over at the pile of planks nearby, noticing that they looked similar to the one Vegetta had found. It seemed that the others had also made progress in their search while we were away.

With eager anticipation, I approached the group, joining them around the pile of planks. Wilbur, Charlie, Fit, Phil, Spreen, and Roier greeted us with smiles.

"How many planks is that?" I asked, pointing at the pile as I held my plank out to Wilbur, who took it from me.

"That's... 25? I think?" Fit said, questioning his answer.

I nodded and looked at the pile of planks that had accumulated over time. Wil set the last plank in the pile.

"The book said we needed 26, right?" I looked around at everyone. They nodded.

"That's correct," Phil confirmed. "According to the instructions in the book, we need a total of 26 planks to complete the restoration process."

With anticipation building, we all gathered around the pile of planks, counting them one by one. Surely enough, 26 planks were in the pile. As we confirmed the count, a collective sense of accomplishment washed over us. The pile of planks represented not only our determination and hard work but also the resilience of the island and its inhabitants. We had successfully gathered all the materials required to restore power.

Roier and Spreen started picking up the planks and I helped by picking up a few. Charlie and Wil also carried a few, and Vegetta insisted on being the guide with the coordinates.

With the planks in our hands and a shared sense of purpose, we followed Vegetta as he led the way. The path we walked was unfamiliar. It was mostly along the wall, not too far from the train station. The coordinates led us toward a broken water wheel. It seemed old and beaten down, no wonder we were tasked with fixing it. We set all the planks back in a pile and everyone just kinda stood there for a moment. Nobody started acting on it, so I rolled up the legs of my pants and stepped down into the cold lake.

Feeling the cool water against my skin, I waded deeper into the lake, making my way toward the broken water wheel. The others watched with curiosity as I approached the dilapidated structure. The water was waist-deep.

"Hey, Vegetta," I called out, extending my hand toward the pile of planks. "Could you pass me a plank, please?" Vegetta nodded, understanding my request, and carefully selected a plank from the pile. With a gentle smile, he handed it over to me, allowing me to continue...

[Word Count: 1063]

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