: ̗̀➛Ch. 2

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If I was going to do anything about the situation, I for sure had to write down what happened. I sat down at the dining table and opened up my leather notebook, flipping to a new page. I wrote down everything I could remember about the buttons, the symbols, and the train ticket. It all seemed so surreal now that I was looking at it on paper. As I wrote, I couldn't help but wonder what all of this meant. Was it just a strange hallucination or was there something more to it? I thought back to the train ticket and the words "Isla Quesadilla". It sounded like a made-up place, but who knows? Maybe it was a real island somewhere. I recall searching it up before going to bed last night, no results came up.

In my writing, I also drew doodles of what I remembered. I sketched out the buttons, trying to remember as much detail as possible. I remember the words on every single button, I jot the words down. "Bem-vindo Y/U/N ao trem da ilha de quesadilla" is the order I pressed them in when it worked. The only word I knew in that was my username, Y/U/N. As I looked at my notes and doodles, I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something. I racked my brain, trying to think of any other details that could be important. Then, I remembered something. On the train ticket, there was something else written: "EL QSMP". I knew SMP stood for Survival Multi-Player and was typically used for Minecraft, but this clearly wasn't Minecraft.

This was real.

I shuddered at the thought, unsure of what to make of all of this. I decided to do some more research on the buttons and see if it yielded any results. I quickly opened up my laptop and typed up google translate. I pasted the phrases from my notebook into the translation box and selected "Detect Language". To my surprise, the language was not Spanish as I had originally thought. The translation showed that the language was Portuguese.

Portuguese? That was unexpected. I wondered what connection Portuguese could have to a train ticket and strange symbols on buttons. I typed in "Isla Quesadilla" into the search engine, hoping to find some information. As I scrolled through the search results, I found nothing that seemed relevant. It was as if Isla Quesadilla didn't exist. But why would the ticket have the name of a non-existent place?

Feeling frustrated, I decided to take a break from my research and get some fresh air. I grabbed my jean jacket and stepped out into my backyard, sitting on my porch. Why was the train ticket Spanish but the buttons Portuguese? As I sat on the porch, I looked around at the familiar surroundings. The trees, the grass, and the flowers all looked the same, but something about this place felt different now. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a hidden world that had always been there but was now exposed. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched, and it made me uneasy.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, making me jump. I pulled it out and saw a message from an unknown number. The message simply said: "You're not dreaming. Meet me at the train station tonight."

Reading the text made me feel nauseous suddenly. The idea of meeting a stranger at a train station in the middle of the night made my heart race. Who could have sent that message? And how did they know about my experience with the strange train ticket and buttons? But despite my fear and confusion, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe this person could provide some answers. I took a deep breath and went back inside, grabbing the leather notebook. If I was going to meet up with this person, I was going to show them everything.


I had a small bag slung over my shoulder and I walked through the bitter cold air, walking up the steps of the train station. I clasped my leather notebook tightly in my hands. As I approached the station, my heart began to beat faster and faster. The empty platform was lit only by the pale light of the moon, casting eerie shadows around me. I hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and stepping forward. Suddenly, a voice spoke out from the darkness.

Dear Tallulah (Theodosia) | QSMP self-insertWhere stories live. Discover now