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Stuff written in bold is written by the author and italics are thoughts.                                                 (P.S. I have no idea why i started this)

Annabeth's POV

After the spider incident, we all got to school. As we filed out of Percy's van, I checked the time and turns out that we weren't late. In fact, we were pretty early, so I made a beeline to my most favorite place in the world.


Percy's POV

I parked my van after everyone got out. i checked the time, it was 6:57.Turns out i had nothing to do so i went to the one place that i knew Annabeth would be


Percy & Annabeth's thoughts mix

The library!


Third person POV

Percy crept up behind Annabeth, who was reading the home of hades from the series Olympus's Heros, and slipped his arms around her waist, hugging her affectionately.                                               "Hi Seaweed Brain", Annabeth responded, trying to hide the faint blush on her cheeks                     "What do you need?"


"Then why are you here?"

"Because why not"

Annabeth fell silent at this and after 5 whole minutes, Annabeth glanced up and saw Drew and her posse approaching the library, most probably to hurt her like they did before but ever since Percy had stood up for her, they couldn't bully her that much because Percy refused to leave her side when walking through places where Drew could hurt her. Percy looked up and saw Drew and her gang, and he wasn't going to let them hurt Annabeth. He lifted her up and hung her on his shoulder.

"PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON, PUT ME DOWN NOW" Said Annabeth pounding his back, not caring that Drew was watching.


Drew on the other hand was furious, Percy should have been Her's not that stupid nerd Annabeth's. Percy carried her out of the library into the hallway whilst carrying a furious blushing Annabeth.


The school bell had rung, yet Percy, the stupid idiot, hadn't put Annabeth down. They had all the same classes together but the teachers, minus Paul of course, would most probably give them detention. 

"Percy, c'mon pls just let me down" Annabeth said in defeat 

"I'm not letting you down until you are safe", He replied nonchalantly.

"Besides, you're adorable when you're mad."


I swear ican't write more than 400 words so bear with me

Any who i have some random questions for y'all to answer (and no I'm Californian)

1)Who here has read the Aru shah series

2) Give me ideas people

3)How much fluff should there be?

4) any HP, KC, MCGOA Fans here

--- Sara 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The tripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora