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As usual, Bold is written by me, Italics is thoughts.

I hate this place.

Why didn't i skip school? Oh right, Hazel forced me to come.

I groaned as i walked to over to my friends. 

"Hey Nico" Everyone 

Then suddenly I spot a glob of raven black hair at the end of the hallway, walking towards us with someone with blonde hair on their shoulder.

It was Percy, who then put a flustered Annabeth down.                                                                                             (Any fan artists here cuz I would love to see a pic of this)

"Hey guys", Percy said cheerfully.



We turned around looking at Leo, who was being as dramatic as usual, said


We all rolled our eyes, but luckily Calypso saved the day.

"I'll buy you a new one, Leo."

"Thanks, Sunshine"

"don't call me sunshine!"



Their bickering was giving me a headache. They walked down the hall arguing all the way to class, and that's when we realized that we should get to class.

"Welp, we should get to class, or else Mrs. Dodds will have my head" Jason said shivering.

Piper then hooked her arm around his and whispered something in his ear that made him go red.

We then promptly scattered to our classes and i went to my chemistry class.

I then sat down and put my head on my desk.

The class was so loud, but it quieted down once Mrs. Aphrodite came in. She then said some thing to the class that I didn't hear because I was half asleep. I think she was letting us choose our seats for the last day of school. 

"Hey can i sit here?" I heard a cheerful voice say


"Hi my name is Will what's yours?"

"Why do you care?"

 I turned around and saw him

Will Solace, The one person that has complete control over me.

Yeah, i know you're thinking " YOU'RE GAY ", Which i am but i haven't told any one. Not even my friends. if i were to tell them they will probably think that i'm weird and replace me with some one else.

"Oh i know you, you're Nico Di Angelo"

"Wow, Am i popular?"

"No but you did punch Matt Sloan,right"

"He was hitting on my sister , who clearly didn't like it, so i was protecting her"

"Does that mean you have held those awesome parties that i never went to?"

I looked at him, in shock

"You HAVEN'T?"

"I was busy studying"

"Well we might hold another one tomorrow, so you better come"


"Okay class, no more chattering time to get to work", Mrs. Aphrodite said clapping her hands to get our attention. Turns out she just wanted us to copy down notes because she had no idea what to teach us because it was the last day of school.

Every now and then, Will would pass me notes and of course i would answer him. While we did this, Mrs. Aphrodite would eye us, like Piper would when she ships two people ...

Oh No


Welp, that was the end of that.  Should i make the next chapter about Caleo or Frazel? I have a horrible sore throat and am out of ideas. I might ditch this story. Sike, but I just might if I run out of ideas. 

I also have a random question you readers.

Would you rather Kill Luke and save Bianca or Kill Gabe, save Jason and get Jiper together again?

Sara out -------> *salutes with two fingers, jumps out a window and sets Olympus on fire on "accident" with the Stolls and Leo,While laughing like a maniac*🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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