Part 2: It's me, Cheng Xiao

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A girl is walking in the road looking at the place. That girl is shown from her back. The girl is watching a Chinese drama on her phone and it was going to start a kissing scene. At that moment, the girl hits a barrier! Now the girl is shown from the front. A cute girl hit on a barrier and had a red potato on her head! People behind the girl were laughing. The girl feels shy and runs from there. While she was running, she saw a kid who was trying to cross the road. There was water beside the road. 

That's why that kid wasn't able to cross the road. The girl wants to help that kid so she goes to that kid. She holds his hand and starts crossing the road. At that moment, a car comes faster and that's why all the water on the road hits on the girl. The girl becomes wet. The kid looks at the girl and laughs. The girl becomes angry and leaves the kid and walks faster. She goes to a parlor. 

After entering the parlor, another cute girl comes and says, "Ha ha ha! What happened to you, Cheng Xiao? You are looking like a witch!". Here we know that this is the princess of our story, she is Cheng Xiao. 

Then Cheng Xiao says, "Just shut up, Dora! It happened only because of you." After saying that Cheng Xiao sits in a chair. 

Then Dora says, "Holy crap! What did I do to you?". 

Cheng Xiao says, "Every day something bad happens to me like this and I come to your parlor. Don't you think there is a reason behind it?". 

Dora says, "I don't know. Maybe that's because there's a problem in your head! Ha ha ha!".

Cheng Xiao says, "You freak! You always pray to god to do something like this to me! So that I have to come to your parlor and your business grows!". 

Dora becomes surprised and blinks her eyes faster. Then she starts pulling Cheng Xiao's hair and hitting her. Dora says, "What?? OK. I'll destroy your hair and hit your head. Then I will do hair treatment and give a massage so that I can grow my business." 

Cheng Xiao says, "Sorry, sorry, sorry! I won't say this truth again!"

Dora says, "What did you say?". Then she pulls Cheng Xiao's hair more. 

Cheng Xiao says, "Sorry!!! I have good news. If you do not leave me then I'll not tell you!". 

Dora leaves Cheng Xiao's hair and sits beside Cheng Xiao's chair. 

Dora asks, "What's the good news?". 

Cheng Xiao says, "Mr. Feng agreed to date you!". Dora becomes amazed and jumps from the chair and starts dancing. 

Dora says, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!".

Cheng Xiao says, "Stop dancing. Now, you have to find a guy for me!". Dora stops dancing. 

Dora says, "That guy hadn't been born yet who will date you!". 

Cheng Xiao becomes very angry and pulls out her phone from her bag. Cheng Xiao says too fast, "I arranged and managed everything for you! Do you think Mr. Feng agreed to date you for nothing? Huh? Of course not. I managed him! If you are not going to find a cute boyfriend for me, I am going to destroy everything in your life! I will say those things to Mr. Feng so that he thinks bad about you!". 

Dora becomes amazed. Dora says, " I am so sorry, madam! Please don't do this to me! I will obey everything that you say! Sorry!". 

After saying that Dora downs her head to Cheng Xiao. Cheng Xiao breathes a lot and raises her head in vanity. Cheng Xiao says, "OK. If you obey my orders, I will not harm you!". 

Then Dora stands up. Dora asks Cheng Xiao for a coffee. Cheng Xiao agrees. Dora goes to change her outfit and Cheng Xiao gets fresh. Then they go to a coffee shop. Coffee comes. Cheng Xiao is drinking her coffee silently. Dora asks, "Why are you silent? Tell me how did you managed Mr. Feng?". Even he is an MD of a popular group company. How did he agree to date me? Say!".

 Cheng Xiao says, "Baby calm down, calm down! I am telling you. Do you remember, how did you propose to Mr. Feng? Where did you propose to him?". 

Dora says, "Yes, I proposed to him at a book fair. It was in Beijing." 

Cheng Xiao says, "Yes! Don't you think that is enough to reject you?" 

Dora says, "What? What was wrong with that place?". 

Cheng Xiao says, "Was that a good place to propose? Didn't you find any other place in the world?". 

Dora says, "Yes, that's right. So, how did you manage him?". 

Cheng Xiao says, "That's not important that how I managed him. It's important that now you're going to find a boyfriend for me. And if you do not find a..." 

After saying this, there comes Mr. Feng calls Dora's phone. Dora becomes so happy and she leaves from there without hearing Cheng Xiao's full sentence. Cheng Xiao's mouth is still open and she becomes angry because Dora left without listening to her. 

Then Cheng Xiao drinks her coffee faster and pays the bill. Cheng Xiao walks faster and goes to a Daycare center. She changes her dresses and starts playing with the kids. Here we know that Cheng Xiao is a part-time worker in a daycare center. After a few hours, in the evening, Cheng Xiao comes home and knocks on the door. Dora opens the door and welcomes Cheng Xiao. 

Cheng Xiao enters the room without changing her shoes. Dora scolds her but she is not listening to things. Cheng Xiao and Dora are best friends and they live together

Dora asks, "Why are not talking to me?". 

Cheng Xiao says, "Someone left me without listening to my words." Dora remembers and gives a fake smile. Dora hugs her and says sorry to her. 

Cheng Xiao says, "OK. What's in the dinner?". 

Dora says, "Today is your turn to cook! Did you forget?". 

Cheng Xiao is surprised. Cheng Xiao pushes Dora from her. Cheng Xiao seems very angry. She says, "Don't you remember what you've done to me? Still you are saying me to cook?". 

Dora says, "Don't you remember our 4th rule? Nothing of our daily activities will affect our daily routine. That means, what I've done, will not affect our cooking routine. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday are your cooking days. Saturday, Wednesday, and Friday are my cooking days. Sunday is our off day. We will eat together in a restaurant. Don't you know all of these?".

Cheng Xiao says, "Yeah, yeah." 

After saying that, Cheng Xiao goes to cook. Then they eat and go to sleep. In the morning, as usual, Dora goes to her parlor shop and Cheng Xiao eats breakfast after getting fresh. After that, she goes to her daycare office.

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