3 This is why I don't socialise

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The camp is split into four, the boys are split into fish and squirrels, and the girls are split into rabbits and mice. The children in the dorms of mice and fish make up the team Eagles, and the children in dorms marked squirrel and rabbits are in the team Snakes. This makes all the children easy to manage as everything can be done in teams. Scarlett is a rabbit and Max is a squirrel. So they are both team Snakes. 


Soaked, we squelched our way as everybody filed out to get a laugh. Poor Lola and Nina had gotten under the brunt of the water, faces runny and clothes slick and soggy weighing them down. Lola was on the verge of tears, wailing about her mascara and causing a fuss about how uncomfortable she was and how she really could catch a cold. She certainly didn't find it funny how Chelsea mocked her behind her back, whilst Daphne and Wren laughed. 

"Stop being such a whiny bitch" Chelsea said as she walked past, staring Lola down. Daphne was smiling maniacally next to her. Lola gave them both middle fingers as they walked away laughing.

Nina and I led her back to the dorm so they could change. I just changed into plain black denim shorts but couldn't change my top before my contraband could be found on me. I started to unpack my things, looking for a door to the bathroom, but there was none.

That's when I realised there was a high likelihood it was outside. I shivered as images of unclean, mouldy, broken bathhouses haunted my thoughts.

I walked into the clearing with a signpost with a faded image of a toothy serpent hissing with the words "Go snakes" under it, 10 other girls and 20 odd boys and the rest of my dorm mates scattered around.

The air was dark and humid, heavy with teenage fumes and light smoke from the burning fire pit. The flames crackled and fizzed, licking at the wood in fiery strokes. Across from the fire, I saw the jock from earlier and with Daphne sat on his lap, giggling to whatever he whispered in her ear. Around them, their friends are talking. Chelsea's chatting to them and Wren, who has changed into a similar outfit to Daphne, flicks all her hair around as she sits next to Max. I'm not jealous of her though. Why would I be?

 She's only a short curvy brunette who keeps leaning into his face with her wide eyes. She keeps touching him, and at a point hugs his arms between her chest. I turn around no longer able to watch his stoic face, as he barely responds to Wren. 

I find Lola sitting by a tree trunk, and I flop down next to her. In the dim light, her hair glows brighter than ever and her eyes reflect the orange flames. I follow her eyeline and see her staring at Daphne and her new friend. 

"There's no way he actually likes her, right? She's just a dumb blonde" I raise my eyebrow at Lola's comment.

"What's that got to do with us though-"

"I mean, look at them laughing, I doubt she said anything actually funny, he's probably just kind like that" Oh. She likes him, and because Daphne has him she's jealous. I watch her and I'm almost scared of her because of how possesive she's become over a guy she hasn't spoken to yet.

"I'm sure you can get to know him, just be wary you may make enemies through that" She looks up, thinking about my advice. I stand up to leave Lola with her murderous thoughts and I'm stopped by a familiar smile. I fight a grin as I see Logan take in that I swapped out jeans for shorts.

My eyes follow his attentively as he checks me out.

"What made you get changed?" he says. His eyes glow orange as the flames cast shapes across him. I shrug "I got a little wet"

"Scar, how'd I make you wet? No water fell on you" He smiles, a suggestively smug look on his face.

I look up to him innocently "What makes you think it was you?" He laughs, confidently with his perfect teeth.

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