15 Cliffhangers

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It's been long enough avoiding but the time has come for Scarlett to try the hike again. The two of us were the only ones to not complete it last time because of Scarlett's fall.

She promises Michelle, one last time she will be fine but Michelle ignores her protesting and decides to not follow us on the hike because she has her hands full with some younger who's broken their arm.

Neither of us knows the route that well but with Michelle stressing but,  I feel as if now is not the time to let her know that. Besides we have our phones, two first aid kits and a map we are the upmost prepared for anything.

"I'm not sure it's wise for you two to go alone, especially considering those steep cliffs," Michelle cautions, her concern evident in her tone "Maybe I should call Liam up to come take y'all. But it's his day off and I really don't-"

Her suggestion of Liam accompanying us prompts Scarlett to react with sudden urgency. "Oh, no, that won't be necessary," she interjects quickly, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. "We wouldn't want to impose on Liam's free time. Plus, the weather is just perfect for a hike."

Michelle fixes us with a stern gaze, her eyes narrowing slightly. "If you're not back within three hours, I won't hesitate to call in reinforcements," she warns, her tone leaving no room for argument.

With a final nod, Michelle departs, leaving Scarlett and me to embark on our adventure alone. As we set off down the trail, the weight of Michelle's warning hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of the potential dangers that lie ahead. 

I look down at her, her face one of grit, determination and nervousness. I can already tell she's skittish about the ordeal, given her reaction to Liam earlier. She must really want to be alone with me.

She looks back at me with a smile as she begins. She seems a lot more aware of her surroundings this time around as she warns me of branches and ditches in the pathway.

As I trudge along the narrow trail behind Scarlett, I can't shake the feeling of vulnerability that comes with the seclusion of the mountain. It's just the two of us out here, relying on each other to navigate the rugged terrain safely. And while there's an element of danger in our isolation, there's also a strange sense of trust that has begun to build between us.

I find myself drawn to Scarlett's confident stride as she forges ahead, effortlessly pushing through the dense foliage. There's something mesmerizing about the way she moves as if she's in tune with the rhythm of the wilderness surrounding us. And despite the gnawing sense of uncertainty that gnaws at the edges of my mind, I can't help but feel comfortable with her.

But beneath the face of bravery, I can sense her vulnerability too. The way her shoulders tense with each step, the slight furrow of her brow as she scans the path ahead—it's clear that she's just as apprehensive as I am. And yet, she presses on, determined to conquer whatever challenges lie in our path.

As we continue our ascent, I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I want to protect Scarlett, to shield her from any potential dangers that may lurk in the shadows. But on the other hand, I can't deny the undeniable attraction that simmers beneath the surface of our interactions.

In the end, I'm left with no choice but to place my trust in Scarlett's hands, to rely on her guidance as we navigate the treacherous terrain together. And as we climb higher and higher, I can't help but wonder what other obstacles—and revelations—lie ahead on our journey.

"So, Scarlett," I begin, flashing her a playful grin, "you sure you're up for this? I wouldn't want you to twist an ankle or anything. Again"

She scoffs, shooting me a mock glare over her shoulder. "Please, Max. I practically live for this kind of adventure. Besides, I'm pretty sure I could outrun you if I had to."

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