6 Bridges, Beasts & Beiber

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A gentle breeze stirred the leaves, carrying the sweet scent of pine and adventure through the air. The campgrounds buzzed with an infectious energy, alive with giggles, splashes and gossip as we gathered around the field.

I glanced around, my eyes flitting from one group to another, taking in the sight of fellow campers gathering in clusters, their animated conversations and excited gestures.

With a mix of excitement and butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I knew that today we'd be starting some team challenges to help the Snakes win this summer. 

A quick glance around the circle of girls gave me a shiver. Though we have lived, breathed and slept together, I don't think there was a single person there I would trust—especially not Daphne. 

There was something suspicious about her, the way she coddled up to people laughing and smiling then using them for whatever she really wanted; a skirt, a necklace or their deepest darkest secret.

She smiles at me from across the circle and I subconsciously smile back. Her green eyes glint with mischievousness as she listens to one of the counsellors explain once again how safe the rope course is to Wren. 

I almost feel sorry for her, she must be terrified of heights. Her eyebrows knit together as she looks up into the trees. 

Each element of the rope course beckoned with its own unique test—a series of swaying bridges, tightrope walks, cargo nets, and suspended logs that dared participants to balance, manoeuvre, and conquer their fears. The course was a blend of physical obstacles and mental puzzles, designed to push boundaries for those who dared. 

We all held hands as we climbed the staircase to the entrance of the course. It seemed as if the whole unit clanked and wobbled, shaking on its hinges as we made the ascent. Nothing but railing stood between us and the gentle breeze that started to whip at our noses.

Suddenly, the whole stair shook violently. Chelsea was jumping up and down to upset Wren. Wren screamed at her angrily, as Chelsea laughed in her face.

"I'm just playing with you Wren," she said with a smirk as she threw her arm around Wren's trembling neck. 

"Let her go," Daphne said, her eyes no longer bright and mischievous. "We're all scared shitless and I'm not losing points over you two." 

I could feel my breath stuck in my throat as Daphne stared the two girls down. 

Chelsea quickly removed her arm and smirked with a shrug. We continued up the stairs to the rickety platform, where a confident instructor walked us through the rules. 

The air felt charged with a mix of determination and uncertainty as we put on safety harnesses and helmets, preparing for the challenge ahead. The structure beckoned us, a series of ropes, beams, and swinging platforms intertwined among the sturdy branches. 

The ground seemed both near and far—a visual paradox that played tricks on my senses. Each rustle of leaves and distant chatter from my fellow campers echoed faintly as if carried by the gentle breeze that danced among the treetops.

The realization of the distance between the platform and the ground sent a shiver down my spine, a flutter of nerves intertwined with thrilling adrenaline. 

The points would be distributed on how many we completed as a team, meaning all of us had to at least try. Worriedly, I looked around the group, many people had a fear of heights and even if they claimed not to all of them Bethany, Nina and Kayla looked ready to puke all over the platform. 

Daphne started first on the rope bridge, wanting to show everyone how easy it was. She lifted her hands and carefully took a step forward.

"It's nothing to be afraid of guys," she said, shifting forward, "A fourth grader could do this." We all heard the little wobble in her voice. It made me gain a newfound appreciation for her bravery as she wobbled about halfway and flipped her head over her shoulder to see the next person. 

Imani and Lola were the next to go, both were a little more confident than Daphne but occasionally screamed at each other over who was responsible for tilting the bridge. The three of them sat on the other side of the platform encouraging us with claps and whoops. 

Next up was Nina who went with Chelsea, surprisingly Chelsea moved quite slowly cursing whenever Nina moved too quickly. We clapped from the entrance when anyone made it to the other side. Slowly the air filled with giggles and songs from the side that had crossed. 

Bethany was next, hands shaking as she grabbed onto the small rope railing and took her steps. She was doing well until she suddenly stopped in the middle of the bridge paralyzed with fear. 

We all yelled across the trees, echoes of encouragement ricocheting off tree branches. 

"You've come so far already." 

"Trust yourself—you're capable of more than you think!"

"Just take one more step!" 

She began to shake again, but gingerly took another step forward. We clapped for each step until she reached the end where the girls enveloped her in a hug. Olive and Kayla went next with no problem, leaving me and Wren as the last to go.

My heart thumped like a drum in my head, as I let Wren lead as I followed. 

The thin, swaying cables beneath my feet were both thrilling and unnerving, creating a sensation of balancing on a tightrope amid the gentle sway of the bridge.

With every cautious step, the ropes swayed and creaked softly, the bridge responding to the slightest movement. The rhythmic swaying of the bridge created a mesmerizing yet dizzying sensation, challenging my balance and resolve.

The cool breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it a sense of freedom mingled with a tinge of exhilaration. The canopy of trees below seemed to whirl and sway in a silent dance, lending an ethereal quality to the daring trek across the bridge.

The view from the bridge was both breathtaking and slightly disorienting. Looking down, the forest floor appeared like a distant painting, a kaleidoscope of lush greens that seemed to blur with every swaying motion. The height added to the thrill, a mix of excitement and apprehension that sent a shiver down my spine. 

The camaraderie among fellow campers added to the encouragement. Their words of support, occasional laughs, and a shared determination to conquer the challenge powered me forward.

Out of the blue, an abrupt sound from down below grasped our attention. Down below were some campers shouting up at us, they were more distracting than helpful.

 "Fuck off," Wren whispered under her breath, as she took a shaking step forward.

"As if this wasn't scary enough," I replied, my voice as small as a whistle on the wind.

"After this, we should hunt them down," she whispers.

I nod my head "With spears."

"And arrows," she says with a giggle.

"And a life-size cut out of Justin Beiber," I laugh as we approach the platform and step off the wobbly bridge. 

We found ourselves on solid ground, our hearts pounding with a mix of relief and exhilaration.

We barely have time to catch our breath before we find our arms wrapping around each other in a spontaneous group hug. It was a moment of shared triumph and solidarity, a celebration of overcoming fears and navigating the daunting challenge together.

The hug was warm and comforting, a collective embrace that spoke volumes without needing words. Laughter and elated chatter echoed amidst the treetops, blending with the rustling leaves as we exchanged proud smiles and joyful glances. We completed a few more challenges up there, not as scary as the rope bridge successfully. 

The descent downwards is a lot more cheerful and full of noise as we recount our experiences to each other. It felt like getting to know each other for the first time as we walked, our legs still shaking from being so high. 

We all passed out from the adrenaline rush in a nap after lunch. Everyone went back to their friendship groups and cliques but the atmosphere had definitely changed from aggressiveness to a community feeling that filled me with warmth.

A/N: No romance in this chapter, unfortunately. I wanted to show some of the character dynamics and the growth of friendship between the girls. Thoughts?

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