Destiny: The End Of The Line

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We see Ann walking up to Catra

"Catra I'm going to watch over the mountain pass" States Ann with confidence

"Like Hell You Are, You Have To Stay Here!!" Catra exclaims

"Not a question Catra, a statement and if you want to try and stop me then come over and try" Informs Ann

"UGH, FINE You Can Go And Watch Over The Mountain Pass!!!" Catra Screams

"Ba-Bye" Ann sings while walking a way

It goes to a few other scenes and the we see Ann in a mountain pass, she looks around and sighs and then sits down cross legged and waits, for Destiny to take it's course

We cut to Brightmoon

We see Illusion preparing for something, then Shadow Weaver walks into the room

"Illusion, your sister has been spotted at the mountain pass" Shadow Weaver states and then walks away

"Thank You, Shadow Weaver" Illusion whispers

Then a few more scenes and then we cut to the mountain pass

"Android!" Illusion yells to Ann

"Hello Illu, good to see you" Ann states with a smile

"Android why are you here! What are you planning!!" Illusion Exclaims

"I'm not planning anything, I'm following the course of Destiny" Ann calmly speaks still with her smile

"Android I have been wanting to ask this question for a while, Why?" Illusion asks

"Why what" Ann questions back with a smile

"Why do you do this, why did you change, why!?" Illusion questions with sadness

"Hahaha, Illusion you wanna know the difference between you and I" Ann Speaks with a maniacal smile that just reeks arrogance

"What Android" Illusion asks

"Your not strong enough to do what needs to be done, yet I am" Ann States With Confidence

"Your wrong, I do have the strength and I'll prove it to you" Illusion yells getting in an attack position with her weapon

Ann teleports in front of Illusion, "Then if you have the strength, take your weapon and strike me down!!!" Ann yells with arrogance

Illusion hesitates

"Why are you hesitating, come on strike me down" Ann yells at her trying to keep up her arrogant facade but, some desperation spills through

Illusion catches onto the desperation, 'why is Ann desperate for me to strike her down' she thinks, 'something is wrong, she's in her own head again isn't she', "No" Illusion states

"WHAT!!!!" Ann can't even cover up her desperation anymore, "WHY!!" Ann screams

"Annie, your in your own head again, there is not going to be some apocalyptic future if I don't strike you down" Illusion states, now her being the calm one

"No, I'm not Illusion, it has to be true, you need to be ready for Prime, or he will destroy the universe" Ann begs with panic and desperation

"Annie, who is Prime and why must I kill you to be ready for him" Illusion asks Ann while pulling Ann in for a hug to try and calm Ann down

"Illu, Prime has devices that can control people, you have to be ready to kill your loved one's if they ever get controlled" Ann crys while weakly trying to push Illusion away.

"No, I won't kill you or anyone that I care about, whether or not they are controlled, whether or not if they are evil" Illusion softly states

Ann suddenly calming down, "Illu, I'm going to teleport you 100 meters away, after that I need you to run as far as you can from this place" Ann informs

"Wha--" Illusion barely gets out before she is teleported away, she can see it now, multiple giant ships landing in the clearing where she just was, she see's several robotic soldiers with weapons coming out of the ships, she also see's Android grabbing both of her scythes, one is each hand.

"Annie no" Illusion sadly whispers shedding a tear, knowing that her little sister just sacrificed her life to give her time to escape, Illusion will never know what came over her that day but, she ran, she ran as fast and as far as she could.

Then we cut to everything else blah blah blah you see Horde Primes face and then you see the peak of one of the mountains of the mountain pass

You see a badly injured Ann walking to the peak, leaking enough blood to fill a medium sized bucket each second, then she sticks the handles of her scythes into the snow each 3 inches to the left and the right of her, "I'm so sorry, Luna and Blaze that you have to die with me" She sadly apologizes to her scythes

"But, in our last moments, for the first and the last time let's look at enjoy the view of the stars" Ann says while looking up at the stars, "I'm sorry Illu" She whispers before all the life in her eyes disappears, the blood stops leaking, her skin grows pale, her scythes let out mournful cries

Android is dead, she died while standing, just like how she lived her life, she died protecting her elder sister Illusion. At least she died with a smile, no matter how sad it is.

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