Heart: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

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It had been a while since Ann was revived, during this time the only thing she did was try to recover her lost strength from being dead so long and also monitoring Etheria.

'Hmm, all of Horde Prime's clone battalions were just deployed?' Ann thinks

'Is this situation that serious' Thinks Ann

*sigh* 'What do I care, being revived is already tampering with fate too much. Their on their own, because tampering with fate again may cause catastrophic damages to the future' Ann thinks sadly

A minute later....

"Hey, everyone. I'm Bow" Holograms of Bow announce

'What? Why is Bow doing that? What is he trying to do?' *Sigh* 'It's probably useless' Ann thinks pessimistically

"Prime is probably trying to get his channel back. I have to make this quick." Hologram bow states

'Trying is an understatement' Ann thinks with a smile

"Prime's controlled the universe for a long time." States the Bow Hologram

"Right now, we're the only thing standing in the way of him controlling it forever." Bow Hologram states with a mysterious force

'Why is this speech so... captivating' Ann thinks confusedly

"You might be feeling hopeless." Hologram Bow states with increasing vigor

"You might be thinking, "We don't stand a chance." And maybe we don't." The hologram says

"Prime's too strong. His army is too powerful." Bow states the truth

"But that's not gonna stop us." Bow states in a very {Die Trying} manner

"We need to show Prime we're not afraid of him, because we have each other." Bow says with renewed vigor

"And we have love" Bow states

"We can't give up. And if we go down, we go down together." The hologram bow slightly shouts, his voice dripping with hope

"We need you. All of you" Bow says

It's time to take back our world" Bow yells with extreme vigor and hope

"It's time to fight. For She-ra, for our homes, and for each other!" Bow shouts, ending his speech that pierced deeply into the souls of many.

*Sigh* "He's right, even if I have to die again, I should still help them. By whatever means necessary. Ready Luna and Blaze, this may be our final battle together. I hope that if I die, you forget about me, because I am just an Enigma" Ann says to her scythes that have been her best friends for almost 10 years

Luna pulls itself out of the ground and leans on Ann's shoulder as if to tell her 'You will be fine'

Blaze pulls itself out of the ground and pats Ann on the head with it's balde as if to tell her. 'Even if you die, we will never forget you'

"You will see my friends, when my destiny is fufilled I will die. I know my destiny will end here" Ann grabs their scythes and holds them up one last time. "So please just forget" Ann says sadly, with tears in her eyes

Luna stays still, too worried about it's friends behavior

Blaze moves telling Ann 'You have beaten fate before, so why won't you beat destiny'

Ann looks at Blaze with a sad smile. "Blaze, I'll explain it to you in a way you will understand" Ann states. "Fate is like a lazy bum, with no physical body strength or magic. While Destiny is like an overproductive person with enough energy to fuel a planet and is powerful warrior has has fought hundreds of battles and has extreme talent for magic" Ann compares Fate and Destiny for Blaze

"While I am a semi-productive, with well trained physical body strength, no battle experience and an average talent for magic" Ann then tells Blaze where she is in the comparison

"Although I can easily beat the weak, lazy bum. There is no chance for me to even put up a fight against the experience warrior/mage" Ann completes the comparison for Blaze

Blaze shakes in fear of Destiny

"As I thought, ready to go to the battlefield one last time?" Ann asks with melancholy

Blaze and Luna move in agreement

"Okay let's go"


5 minutes later....

God Pov

(Unlike in the original timeline, this battle was a massive failure and the princesses were slowly being overrun until...)

No One Pov

"OY PRIME, READY FOR ROUND TWO" An arrogant shout reverberates throughout the battlefield

Everything goes silent, as everyone on the battlefield, Etherian or Horde, looked over to the voice that shouted such an arrogant thing on a battlefield

They see a mysterious cloaked figure, with two scythes, bathed in a blood red aura

No one has any idea who this brave soul is.... except for one

Illusion Pov

'That voice, I know it, i've listened to this.... voice for as long as I can remember, though I can't remember who's voice it is.. everything fades with time, that's what my sister told me and that's why I have probably forgotten the name of the owner of this voice' Illusion tries to deduce who this mysterious figure is

'I got it! Wait no no no, hmm maybe noo, it can't be. So according to my deduction the only one that this voice could belong to is... Ann's. But, How. I saw her corpse, I visited it everyday, but there was no signs of life. So how???' Illusion finally figures out who it is, but instead of answering questions it just leaves her hundreds of times more confused

No One Pov

"Oh, arrogant person, and pray tell, where did you get, that courage to face me, coming in here with cold weapons, you know you look like a viking, a very dumb one." A horde prime clone announces with immense pride.

"Enough chit chat, die!" The cloaked figure yells as she teleports into the battle and starts a massacre against Horde Primes army


God Pov

(The battle was far from over but, She-ra came and helped save the day. Well for everyone except Ann)

No One Pov

She-ra strolled into the battlefield, every step she took life spread out.

Then, she released an uncountable amount of that life energy

The mysterious figure looks at this energy, knowing that destiny had come to take her life, she smiles with nostalgia and walks over to Illusion and takes the hood, blindfold and mask off and says "Illu.."

"You don't need to say anything, I know that you might not survive that energy blast" Illusion cuts off Ann and states with sadness

"Please take care of Blaze and Luna for me" Ann begs as she forces her scythes into Illusion's hands

"Of course Annie" Illusion says as she, for the first time in her life, took on the role of the elder sibling and gave Ann a warm hug

Everyone watches this scene and see that as soon as the energy touches Ann, she starts disintegrating (In a Avengers: Infinity War Fashion) 

"Thank y...." Ann says but, gets disintegrated before she can finish

Metal screeches reverberates throughout the sky, as all weapons in the universe cry for the death, of the True Friend Of Weapons

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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