The Awakening

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At the end of the episode "Failsafe" you see a horde blaster firing and see a portion of the energy the blaster fired be taken away and finally you get to see where this energy is going, you see the energy journey across mountains and seas, all to reach what?

Over the horizon you see Ann's still standing corpse but, it looks a lot healthier now, all the wounds of the body have been healed and her skin looks like some blood is running through them

You see plenty of other energy bolts heading towards Ann's corpse, they all enter Ann through her pores at the same time


Ann opens her eyes, gasps for air and falls to her knees

"What the hell" Ann groans as she lays down

"Why am I alive" Ann grumbles angrily 

"This is the worst possibility, I get revived somehow after Illu doesn't kill me and I get killed by the Horde bots" Ann pauses "I don't have any predictions of the future so, I'm fighting blind" Ann states with disappointment and some fear

Then Ann feels the energy from the Horde blasts coming towards her, "So that's why I was revived, well you are still useful, I can use you to see what has happened on Etheria since I died" Ann states, still a little proud of her successful utilization of her ability to manipulate energy

Then you see Ann gather a lot of energy (1 trillion kilowatts) in her hands in the form of a ball and then crushes it sending all this energy across all of Etheria while also making sure that none of that excessive amounts of energy go into her because she would die if she took in even 0.001% of that energy 

When the energy has finished going around the world, has gone through all the memories of biotic and abiotic factors and used Ann's method to simplify it to just whats important in a short concise text 

Then all the energy goes back to Ann, combines once more into a ball and inputs all the info in 1 kilowatt worth of energy which then enters Ann's mind and releases all the information into Ann's mind

Ann sees basically most of season 5 so far, "Thank you energy friends, now you can help Etheria" Ann still doesn't know about the Heart of Etheria. Then Ann injects all of the energy into Etheria and Etheria becomes extremely lush for 5 seconds and then returns to it's normal state

But everyone of Etheria now knows that there is a new player in this game of war

Catra pov

"Meelo did you see that" Catra panics slightly

"Row roow" Meelo states

"Your right it's definitely just us being on edge"

Adora pov

"That, a lot of energy was injected into Etheria wasn't it.?" Adora questions but also states

"I think so" "Most Likely" "How am I supposed to know!?" Entrapta and Shadow Weaver states while Bow yells in a questioning voice

"Woah Bow it's not that serious" Glimmer states while calming Bow down "Yeah Bow, calm down" Illusion slightly shouts from across the room.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had vacation time and I was forced to take it, but I'm back 

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