Chapter 2

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It was still early afternoon by the time they reached the woods on the outskirts of Plainsong. Aloy followed Sokorra, who frequently muttered curses under her breath as she led them through the forest. Seyka stepped closely after, sword in hand, being sure not to wander too far from Beta, whom to Aloy's surprise had offered to come along and help investigate. Sporting several cuts and a rather nasty-looking head wound, Jaxx remained at the Base with Alva, who had offered to patch him up with GAIA's guidance.

With the sky clear and the air cool, thanks to the breeze coming in from the mountains, it was easy to cover ground quickly. Some of the trees had already begun shedding their leaves, leaving the forest floor covered in a dry blanket of them that crunched as the four of them walked on the path Sokorra led them on. Aloy had not vocally protested Beta accompanying them—her sister had been cooped up indoors with the exception of Charger rides ever since returning from the Zenith Base—but she had insisted on getting some light armor made for her. She tried to hide her amusement at how awkwardly Beta moved in it—the poor girl was not the most coordinated—but it gave Aloy some peace of mind that her sister would be safer than she would be in those strange white clothes the Zeniths gave her. Seyka's offer to guard Beta helped Aloy focus more on the hunt for Sokorra's missing brother, too.

"Right over here, past this thicket," Sokorra called back. "I swear when I find whoever took Korreh I'm going to make them wish they were never born."

"There's something I don't get," Seyka said. "Your brother was staying in Plainsong because he can't fight blind, right? Why would someone take him? Did he know something that an enemy might want to use?"

"No. He was just a trainee so he wouldn't have been briefed on things like squad movements and strategy. Nobody from my clan knew he was with the Utaru." Sokorra came to a stop at a small clearing, kicking up some dead leaves as she scuffed the dirt a bit. "Right here. The old man told me they were out here gathering wood when someone attacked them. But he didn't see who it was."

"All right." Aloy took in the sights around her. There were a few noticeable areas where the leaves were crushed more than others. Must have been where a struggle happened. Maybe where Jaxx and Korreh were attacked. "I'll need a minute."

Sokorra shifted her weight from one foot to the other and crossed her arms. "Sure." She glanced at Beta. "I still don't get why you two look the same. Or why you live in that house of metal."

Aloy looked up for a moment and noticed Beta seemed taken aback by the fact that Sokorra was speaking directly to her. She remembered that Beta did not have much experience interacting with anyone other than their close group. She was about to intervene when Beta spoke up.

"It's a...long story. Maybe once we find your brother, I can explain it better."

Sokorra's usual accusing manner dissipated, and she seemed to relax. "If you want. And thanks...for helping me."

Aloy continued to study the ground. "Let's see what the Focus turns up." A few scans later, the ground was highlighted with areas where the scuffle had continued and then...drag marks?

"Okay, so Jaxx and Korreh were here when they were attacked by...someone. Looks like a group of people—maybe three or four. Jaxx must have been caught by surprise and fell here." She pointed at a particularly crushed area of leaves and disturbed dirt. Some of the leaves had flecks of dried blood on them. "Korreh fought back."

"Of course he did," Sokorra snapped, the growing panic in her tone clear now. "He might be blind but he's still Eagle Squad."

"Uh, right. Four against one, no wonder they overpowered him." Faint tracks led away from the clearing. "Come on," she announced. "Looks like they dragged him away in this direction.

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