Chapter 3

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A shift in the air eased Aloy out of her sleep, as though the door had been opened during the night. Blinking, she sat up, the blankets and bed pad softer than usual under her hands.

Something is different.

The orange and purple glow of the candles and harsh solid-state lighting were gone, replaced by warm, natural light.


Her eyes darted toward the direction of the voice—a floor to ceiling window, not unlike the views in the top office of FAS in Maker's End. That wasn't there before. Through it, the soft pink and orange hues of the sunrise spilled into the room where the shelf holding Elisabet's pendant used to be. The air was frigid and somehow thick at the same time. Every breath burned her lungs and she thought she might choke on it.

"Are you okay?" Seyka stood in front of the window, gazing out at distant, lush hills. Her hair was no longer in a ponytail—dark waves of it cascaded down her back instead. Gone was her Quen marine armor, replaced by the hide and machine paneling of a Nora Brave's garments. Though her clothing choice was odd, she still looked beautiful and Aloy would have been content just watching the sunrise with her.

But why were they there?

She climbed to her feet, the bed having disappeared some time ago. There was murmuring—a man's voice that was both haunting and familiar. It was too far below them to be understood, though. It was only them.

She finally answered. "What is this?"

"Always demanding answers. Always staying on the path, no matter who or what gets destroyed in the process," Seyka observed. It wasn't an accusation though—not the way she said it. She briefly touched her ribs, as though feeling for an old scar, before looking back at Aloy. "Varl died for those answers. So did Rost. And so will countless others. Beta. Even me."

Aloy stepped toward her. Out of instinct, she reached for her spear only to find that it was not there. "No! I won't let that happen."

Seyka's laugh was cold and metallic. "There is no battle to be fought here, Aloy. You're on borrowed time, as is the rest of the world. You should enjoy the time you have left."

Aloy opened her mouth to protest but no words came out. Instead, she could only watch in horror as Seyka disintegrated into metal ashes and the view behind her transformed into a barren landscape of rock and dormant machines. The last living thing on Earth let out a silent scream as it was extinguished—the red light behind it taunting her as the world took its last breath...


She woke with a start, a panicked cry escaping from her before she could completely come to. A hand settled on her bare arm as she sat up and scanned the room—her body tense and ready to fight if needed.

"Aloy? You okay?"

It took her a moment to shake off the nightmare. Same dream, different place. Different people.

She realized she hadn't responded to Seyka yet. She shifted to her right and found Seyka sitting up as well, tired but clearly concerned. True to her word, she had placed her heavy marine armor next to Aloy's stash, leaving only a white embroidered tunic and rough beige pants on. She'd let her hair down, the effects of her ponytail apparent from the slightly disheveled state of it.

Aloy reached over and placed her hand on Seyka's. "I'm all right. Sorry I woke you."

"Bad dream?" Seyka's gaze went toward the ceiling, as though she were recalling her own. "I get them sometimes, especially after the whole thing with Londra. Do you...want to talk about it?"

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