Chapter 4

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It was close to noon when Aloy, Seyka, and Beta set out from the Base and headed toward Bleeding Mark, where Sokorra said she would meet them, before continuing to Cauldron IOTA. The trip would take a few days, assuming they didn't run into any trouble, which Aloy was entirely prepared for but hoped they wouldn't find. Once again, Beta had requested to join them and rode on the back of Aloy's Charger, with Seyka riding her own. As happy as Aloy was to have another experienced Focus user with them, especially someone as intelligent as her sister, she admitted she was curious as to why Beta was insistent on helping a few Tenakth she had only just met. Guess we're more alike than I thought. She'd have to ask her later...maybe.

Jaxx had thanked them earlier in the morning before departing the Base to return to Plainsong, his injuries patched up well enough that he could travel. Aloy had promised to keep him updated about anything they discovered. She knew she couldn't guarantee that Korreh was even still alive, but she could tell Jaxx felt responsible for the kidnapping and tried to reassure him that if Korreh was taken alive then his abductors probably needed him for something.

What exactly that "something" was remained unclear.

As they rode down the trail from the mountain and toward the path that would take them to Bleeding Mark, Aloy had to smile at the sight of Seyka riding a Charger on her own. She knew from their battle with the Horus that Seyka was more than capable of controlling a machine, but the actual sight of her riding one with far greater skill and ease than before was impressive. She learns fast.

Seyka caught her staring and returned the smile with an eager, confident one of her own. The not-so-subtle competition they began in the Burning Shores was one of the things Aloy enjoyed most about their relationship. It also gave her a sense of security when they were outside the Base—and with Beta asking to go on missions that mattered now more than ever. Especially after the Zeniths and with Nemesis on the way.

She tried to focus on the dirt trail ahead. Nothing I can do about Nemesis for now.

Coming down the hill at high speed, they passed a herd of Bristlebacks. The machines paid them no mind, happy to just continue munching on the desert grass and the remnants of red blight. Watching them reminded Aloy of what needed to be done still to restore the biosphere. We'll get there. We have to.

They were making good time but after a few hours, the desert winds kicked up, resulting in a lot more sand and dirt being thrown about—something her eyes, face, and the Chargers did not appreciate. She squinted, peering through the dust at the path ahead where the mountains curved westward, and the sand and cacti transitioned into green fields and pine trees. They could stop there for the night.


"Okay, once more—but this time, try to push me back. There—good! Step into it just like I showed you. Left...your other left, Beta!"

Wood impacting against wood reverberated enough that Aloy was certain any wildlife would be spooked away, assuming their campsite hadn't already accomplished that. With only the orange glow from the campfire to aid her, she took care to pay attention to the rabbit cooking so that it wouldn't burn, though she had to admit she was rather hungry and just sitting there in front of the fire and smelling the food instead of eating it wasn't exactly fun.

Watching her sister learn to use a sword proved entertaining. Beta lacked the hand-eye coordination Aloy had honed since she was a child, but she was quick on her feet and seemed to be understanding the concepts Seyka was teaching her, even if she couldn't quite execute them physically yet.

The scent of cooked meat and burning wood wafted through the air, which had grown colder the instant the sun had set. She took another glance at the rabbit. Good enough. "Food's ready. You two want to take a break?"

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