Frightened Scare

22 2 0

Third Person POV

Ron gets up and grabs his secret book. He puts it in his pocket of his jogging pants. He then goes downstairs and waits for Ryu to come through the fireplace to start working out. His siblings were ready besides the twins, who were still torturing him with almost complete impunity. Soon Ryu came through the fireplace. "Ryu, let's go and exercise. Then we can learn from Percy, Bill and Charlie." Ron says with a warm smile. "Ok, but after we go to Mrs. Lovegood's house." Ryu says with an equally warm smile.

"You guys seem to have gotten closer after only a short amount of time. It seems as if you are-Ugh." Fred goes to tease but Bill elbows the twins in the stomach. "We are just happy that you guys are friends." Bill says with a smile. "Yeah, our little brother can be a bit of a peat sometimes." George sniggers with his twin. Ron friend as Ryu hugs Ron from behind and leans his head on Ron's back. "I don't think so. He is quite fun, and very intelligent." Ryu says. Ron laughs and they go outside, the siblings following them. Ryu had started to become tired so Ron started to slow down with his friend.

They were with Percy and Ginny, who was gassing out rather quickly. Ron and Ryu decided to just stay with them. Ron tried to make small talk with Percy and Ginny but they were both concentrating on running. Soon everyone finished, Ron and Ryu just in front of Percy and Ginny. "Ok, Bill, Charlie. Teach Ginny, Ryu and I your amazing magic." Ron says with a smile. Bill and Charlie smile as they pull out their wands. "Is it ok if we used you guys as examples?" Bill asks.

Ron and Ryu shake their heads but Ginny says sassily, "I mind." "Well we can just use some trees." Ryu says as he uses his hand to rip trees out from the ground. "Yeah, and then we can cut it up into pieces and grow a new one back from a seed." Ron says as he opens his hand and slashes at the tree. The tree is cut into twenty pieces. They are then placed in a circle. "Let's watch." Ron says with a smile as Ginny couldn't help but smile at her brother. "This is gonna be fun." Ryu says. Ron placing his arms behind him as Ryu lays his head on Ron's lap.

They see this and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable but after they were ok with it. "So this is the reducto curse. It is like an explosion. It can explode a large object." Bill says before sending a powerful reducto curse at a tree piece. The tree piece splinters and becoming almost like dust. Ron and Ryu's eyes glisten and they point their pointer finger at a tree and mutter, "Reducto." The tree explodes and become dust. "That's awesome." Ginny says. After a couple of hours Ron and Ryu had learned every spell that Bill and Charlie knew, even Ginny waving her hand to master the movements. Percy had even written some of the curses down to do more research.

It was then time for Percy to drill into Ron and Ryu's head the first and second years. Ginny went home with Bill and Charlie, the three becoming hungry. Percy spent two hours forcing first and second year curriculum. They found out that they had a knack for defense against the dark arts, potions, charms, transfiguration, and dueling. Ron would always drift off when it came to Herbology, while Ryu drifted off in Astronomy. Percy ran back to the house while Ron and Ryu finished their exercises. This time Ryu collapsed on the final set. Ron smiles and says, "Let's go back, eat, and then shower. You can use some of my clothes." Ryu nods and they run to the house. When they get there they go upstairs into Ron's room.

Ryu grabs some of Ron's clothes and towel and goes to the bathroom on the fourth floor. Ron grabs his clothes and a towel, ready to go to the shower on the third floor. When he goes into the bathroom he strips down and sees just how his muscles have developed. He looked a lot fuller than he thought he did. He never fully took in his figure when he was younger. He could see an eight pack and had all his muscles defined. He felt like a model in witch weekly that mom always got.

He takes a shower dries himself off. His body felt refreshed, but a bit sore as he pushed himself to do two more sets. His arms, legs, and stomach were in pain. He muttered the aching healing spell to help with soreness. His hands glowed a mystical green and started to run his hands up and down his body, the soreness disappearing.

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