First Lesson

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Third Person POV

Ron is walking through the forest behind his house, just past the lake. He is walking with a great big smile on his face when a shadow follows him. He looks up and sees the mysterious man smirking with malice at him. The man was walking on thin air but their was black and golden lightning swirling around him. When Ron looks closer he could see in the man's hands there were vortexes. "The prodigy doesn't even know what is stirring in his fate. And I. Just. Can't. Wait." The long haired gray brown hair man says. The man had a wild look in his eyes, like lightning crackling as a gray clouds brewed into an unending thunderstorm.

Ron stares up in fear and yells out, "Ignis diabolica!" A thick pillar of blue flames shoots out of Ron's right hand. His arm heated up and his whole arm was almost see through. The man smirks and a lightning strikes from the sky and cancels out Ron's spell. Ron then mutters, "Cutis Amplio Curro." Ron turns on his heel and takes off, dirt ripping from the ground and flying from the speed that Ron is running.

It didn't help as the man appears in front of Ron and sends a bolt of lightning so strong that the trees around them disintegrate. "Cutis Duro Maxima. Incorruptio." Ron says, his skin feeling so strong yet taut and tight that he felt every muscle, every tendon, every cell in his body exploding. His body slowly became bruised as he punched at the lightning. The lightning scattered into hundreds of pieces. The spliced pieces of lightning destroying more trees in the forest. The blast of the lightning sends Ron tumbling down to they ground.

The man smiles and grabs Ron by the arm and swings him so hard into the ground that the ground shook. Ron's ribs felt like they were close to splintering to pieces. The air inside his lungs leaving his body and making him gasp for breath. He takes a deep breath and could feel all his emotions rising. He opens his mouth on instinct and a blast of golden flames shoot from his mouth. The man just smiles and does a soft blow to make the golden flames evaporate. "Why so serious? We're just having a bit of fun." The man says with a wicked smile.

Ron tries to get out of the man's grip but he couldn't. "It looks like we are out of time. Let's have some more fun next time." The man says with a smile before everything goes dark.

Ron wakes up to find himself sweating heavily. He looks around to see that he is the only one up. He goes into the bathroom and takes off his clothes and rinses the sweat off his body.

Soon he goes out and sees Ryu getting dressed as well as Theo and Blaise struggling to wake up. "W-wait for us." Theo mutters as he and Blaise try to force their bodies to move in their sluggish state. "Why are you two up?" Ron asks while walking out with his workout clothes on. The shirt was short sleeve and a little tight on the arms but looked great on him. His slightly tanned and freckles skin made him look much more vibrant. "We thought to join you guys." Blaise says indifferently. "Ok, well let's see how this goes." Ron says with a smile.

Ryu and Ron start to stretch as Blaise and Theo put on more relaxing clothes and sluggishly stretch, copying Ron and Ryu's movements. But soon Ron and Ryu were finished stretching. They summon their wands and leave the room with Theo and Blaise right behind them. "How do you summon your wand with zero effort? It was as if you were a house elf, snapping its finger to levitate things to them like you just did?" Theo asks. "It is rather impressive, especially for a first year." Blaise says aloofly.

"It's rather easy. We practiced the basics first and then started to practice with wandless and non-verbal tries until we did both." Ryu says. "It was pretty easy. All you have to do is have conviction and some concentration to call an item to you. You also should say the name of the spell in your head, I find it to make it a lot easier." Ron says with Ryu by his side and Theo and Blaise just behind them. "Ok, I'm thinking of hitting twelve laps, what do you think, Ryu?" The redhead asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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