Chapter 30: The Rise of Myles Walley

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Chapter 30: The Rise of Myles Walley

AN: I tried to squeeze all the plot but I can't. I'm burnt out just trying to rewrite this first half. So here it is folks, the first half of the true Myles finally coming into the story. I forgot just how long this chapter was. Sorry if I kinda didn't live up to the hype, there's only so much I can use to describe Myles becoming brutal. Just use your imagination to get picture on what he is doing.

Myles stood in the abandoned open area, his eyes scanning the battlefield. He could hear the thoughts of everyone around him, their fears, doubts, and hopes. The voices were a cacophony in his head, but he focused on the task at hand. He studied Barry, who was exhausted and injured from the battle. Bivolo was standing behind a shield, his army of meta-humans waiting for orders.

"Who is this guy?"

"I'm shaking just by being near him..."

"What the hell is that thing..."

"I need to get out of here."

"I don't understand what's going on with him," Barry thought, watching as Myles began to crackle with energy. "He was always impulsive, but now he seems so...mature. He even looks a bit older. Is he still our ally or something else entirely? What happened to him?"

Bivolo, on the other hand, was concerned about the newfound sense of maturity he sensed in Myles. "This... This isn't the same Tachyon," he thought, eyeing Myles warily. "Something isn't right. This isn't the same manchild I worked for. He seems more focused and in control. I don't know what he's capable of now," Bivolo thought.

Myles smirked, knowing he could take them all down without breaking a sweat. Suddenly he felt strange as if something was building up inside of him. He looked down at his arm and saw cracks forming on his skin. But instead of pain, he felt stronger than ever before. The cracks emit dark and white energies. Yet Myles was familiar with the sensation.

"I need to test this out," he thought, as he began to focus on each aspect of the Primal Force. He experimented with the Still Force, feeling a sense of calm and stillness wash over him. He could feel it, time slowing down to a complete halt before resuming, ten seconds he counted.

Next, he tried the Strength Force, and he felt his muscles bulge as he grew stronger, gravity itself bending to his whim. Though for now, he can only affect gravity for a certain time, he was confident he can affect everyone's gravity indefinitely sooner or later.

Finally, he tapped into the Sage Force, and he felt a surge of knowledge and understanding. Unlike Speed Thinking, which just lets him predict and process information faster than a supercomputer, The sage force gave him cosmic awareness, all the knowledge and secrets to the cosmos were there at his disposal. He also gained psychic abilities however just like strength force it was still limited to certain areas. He wasn't lifting buildings with his mind any time soon but again that problem can be fixed.

So focused on his discovery, Myles had completely forgotten about the outside world. Yet despite this, everyone shared the same feeling, as they observed Myles.


One of the primal aspects of humanity is fear of the unknown. Myles had become the unknown and no one had any idea of what he was capable of.

Finding himself satisfied with his little test, Myles focused his attention on Bivolo's army, he cleared his throat and spoke, "Sorry about earlier. I was acting like a jerk. My name is Myles Walley," he said in a calm and mature tone, "but I have some bad news for you. You're all dead."

Barry and Bivolo looked at him in horror as Myles approached one of Bivolo's metahumans. He grabbed the metahuman's head. The man struggled to break free, but Myles absorbed man's life force in the form of electricity, leaving nothing but charred bones. Everyone could only stare as the man's skin melted off, eyes boiling like an egg, his screams turning into a butchered pig.

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