Chapter 37: Myles' Window

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Chapter 37: Myles' Window

As the familiar hum of S.T.A.R. Labs reverberated through the air, Team Flash gathered in their headquarters, engrossed in their usual routines. However, their tranquility was abruptly shattered when an urgent news report blared from the television screen mounted on the wall. The team turned their attention, their faces a mosaic of surprise and concern, as the anchor delivered the shocking revelation.

"Breaking news! The IRS has just been hit by an audacious group of criminals, led by none other than the infamous speedster villain known as Myles ," the news anchor announced, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and trepidation.

Barry Allen, the scarlet speedster at the heart of Team Flash, felt his heartbeat quicken as his mind raced to process the implications of this unforeseen development. His eyes widened, his face mirroring the astonishment that filled the room. The weight of responsibility settled heavily upon him, and he knew he had to guide his team through this storm.

Cisco Ramon, the jovial and tech-savvy member of the team, blinked rapidly, his mouth agape in disbelief. "No way, man! Myles robbed the IRS!?"

Robbing a bank was normal, but the IRS? Only the most mentally insane criminal would do something that crazy. Actually, even the most mentally insane criminal wouldn't take on the IRS.

Caitlin Snow, the brilliant and composed scientist, crossed her arms, a mixture of concern and determination etched across her face. "He's upping his game."

Harrison Wells, the enigmatic and calculating figure, regarded the unfolding news with a thoughtful gaze. He adjusted his glasses, his voice carrying an air of authority as he addressed the team. "This is a significant shift in Myles 's modus operandi. It seems he is escalating his efforts, challenging our assumptions. We need to anticipate his next move."

As the team mulled over the situation, Barry's mind began to race, not just with his superhuman speed, but with a newfound ability that had recently surfaced—Speed Thinking. He could feel the neurons firing in his brain at a velocity beyond comprehension, granting him a remarkable gift of foresight.

In the midst of the chaotic thoughts swirling within him, Barry's inner voice whispered, urging him to tap into this newfound power. His brow furrowed as he focused, attempting to access the vast potential of his Speed Thinking. Time seemed to slow as a rush of information flooded his mind.

In his mind's eye, Barry visualized the patterns, the echoes of their encounters with Myles. Scenes flickered before him, snippets of battles and confrontations, all converging into a tapestry of insight. He saw the intricate web of Myles' schemes, the calculated precision in each move.

"It's... it's like a puzzle," Barry muttered, his voice tinged with confusion. "I can see it now. The way Myles thinks, plans... I can predict his next heist."

"I... I think I know what he's planning next," Barry muttered, his voice laced with confusion. "Based on our past encounters, his methods, and the targets he's chosen... I can see a pattern."

Cisco, the tech genius with a penchant for pop culture references, scratched his head in disbelief. "Wait, are you telling me that you can actually predict what this dude is gonna do next? Like some kind of superspeed Sherlock?"

Barry nodded, a flicker of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Exactly! It's like my mind is working in overdrive, calculating every possible move and outcome. Myles has a method to his madness, and I think I can decipher it."

Caitlin, the cool and collected scientist, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Alright, Barry, spill the bean"

Barry took a deep breath, his voice gaining confidence as he delved into his insights. "Considering his previous heists, Myles is drawn to places of immense financial importance. The IRS was just the beginning. He's targeting symbols of power and control. My calculations he'll be hiding somewhere no one expects him to go. Somewhere high profile."

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