Chapter 54

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Snow was so pissed with no scratch that she was about to explode in pure rage after taking over Caitlin's body and gaining her memories. Robbing the IRS, destroying the city, and starting a war with THAWNE of all people! Antagonizing Barry for no reason. It was like his inner child was set loose in the world.

Just what on Earth happened to him to make him this deranged?

And now here he was standing without care of what he did. He gave her the smile that she had grown to love in her previous life. "I'm only going to say this once, hon. Stand down." Ooh, that was badass, though she could have delivered it better. Her eyes narrowed when she saw him hold back a laugh. Bastard.

"Hello, Snow," Myles said with a nostalgic smile before remembering the situation he was in. "So I know this is bad." A strong breeze then hit his body as ice covered his body, turning him into a frozen statue.

Cage, watching the match between exes about to start, quickly grabbed Barry before he would get caught in the crossfire.

Snow waited from the top of her ice slope; she could hear Caitlin's voice inside her head, yelling that she had overdone it. But Snow ignored her host for now, knowing that Myles wouldn't take that hit unless there was a reason.

"Jeez, girl, did you have to freeze my afterimage that hard?" Myles asked while admiring his frozen afterimage. Though one can see that there were small patches of ice on his clothes, despite his calm demeanour, his eyes spoke of another story.

Originally, Myles planned on tanking the hit and phasing through it but as soon as he saw how fast it was freezing the surrounding area despite having no contact with the blast, he shifted gears. Yet, to his shock, he was starting to freeze before the blast could even hit him, forcing him to travel forward in time just to avoid being frozen.

He frowned. Killer Frost didn't have that much power last time he checked. Sure, she could freeze the sun if given enough time but... This was the Arrowverse so he was honestly surprised by the firepower he just witnessed.

"I'll do more than freeze your sorry ass." Snow growled, readying to fire another ice beam. In response, electricity danced around Myles body as he slowly walked forward.

"Kinky..." Myles teased before easily avoiding another beam and rushing forward to Snow in a blink, only to be surprised when ice started to form around him. He skidded to a stop and retreated. Okay, now that's new. Since when can Killer Frost freeze people without being at least 3 feet away? And how was she bypassing his immunity to ice!?

Did she have some access to the Primal Force? Wait a minute... That could be why. Snow and him belonged in the Primeverse, which meant that Snow was a piece of the Primal Force. With his omniscience, he had already figured out that every person that died and devoured by the Primal Force left a piece of themselves that was then distributed to their dopplegangers across the multiverse and manifested in different ways, such as talents, dreams, idealogy, theories, etc. Some of them even surpassed it and basically made it a 'canon' event horizon. Like Isaac Newton discovering gravity. Heck, even the term isekai somehow became a 'canon' event horizon.

Which means the majority of Snow's energy wasn't distributed across the multiverse. Hence, her powers were this strong, bypassing his immunity to ice. In simple terms, Myles ice powers were light years behind Snow's own. Which was just ridiculous for him.

This was a Mary Sue vs. Gary Sue situation.

Wait, didn't she need heat to live too? Shit, if he doesn't do something, Snow's going to die again and worse of all, he had the means to stop it.

Meanwhile, Snow was terrified and cautious over her boyfriend's next move. Her entire life was stuck inside Caitlin's after she realized she had reincarnated as a replacement for Killer Frost, which was slightly depressing. She had the option of simply dominating Caitlin's persona and having complete control but she was satisfied with being in the back seat and just watching the show unfold. It didn't mean she wasn't going to explore how her powers work, which are now doing wonders for her.

Tachyon: Rise to villainyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora