The Reverse of Each Other

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( A month has passed since the fight with Grim. Since then,  The city of  Jasper has praised their heroes The Flash and Luner for keeping their battles with rouge meta humans to a minimum. However,  Silas and  Aircachnid have grown a distaste for the Flash and Arcee in doing what they believe to be wasting their powers)

" ( Watches a recording of the Flash and Lunar saving people from a derailed train and then watches a video of the Flash fighting  Grim while Airachnid leans against the wall behind him).  Those fools. All that power and they waste it on the weak and feeble. ( Looks at the video of Killer Frost know known as just Frost. Using her powers to help firefighters put out a fire while making an escape route for those on the higher floors to get down to the ground by forming a solid ice slide). Flash even got her to change sides. All this because the Flash appeared the minute we open a portal to the Speedforce." Said  Silas. " It would make sense actually. If you think about it. The Speedforce can traverse time and space. That means that it can see all possible futures as well as the past.  I believe that's why she gave Arcee the same powers. Because it saw my rivalry with her. What doesn't make sense I the flash. there has never been any news about him until our first battle with him." Said  Airachnid.

 " That would me that he has been here for who knows how long and then he has never acted because he never needed to show up. ( Thinks for a second and then realizes something). The Speedforce knew he was there.  It must have known that there was another speedster there. All she or it, had to do was summon him.  No matter, once we get rid of them. We'll reopen the portal to the Speedforce and take that power." Said  Silas. " Then let us go show this city that  there are those that can beat their so-called Guardians." Said  Airachnid as they both ran off in an Orange and purple blur respectively.

( Over with James and Arcee)

" ( Drives around Jasper while enjoying the peace and quiet). Things have been going great so far. Not too many metas causing trouble like I thought there be." said  Jame as they stopped at a parking lot after spotting  Frost saving some civilians from an exploding gasoline truck. " She's been doing very good herself. I'm proud of her." Said Arcee as she sets her kickstand down. " ( Spots two blurs fifty miles away). Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Why now of all times?"Asked James. " What, what's wrong?" Asked Arcee. "It's Airachnid and  Silas. They're heading toward  Frost and they're booking it fast." Said  James. " Then let's go say hello.  You ready?" Said  Arcee as she retracts her kickstand and drives toward a secluded area.

" ( Smiles at watching Frost save people). It's nice to have our own personal guardians. I just wish they were all like that. ( Looks to her left and then drops the smile after spotting an orange and purple blur). Oh no, Frost run now. It's Revere and  Eclipse, they're headed your way. " Watches as  Frost Puts up a wall to protect the people and then turns toward the two blurs only for two other blurs that were red and blue to slam into the orange and purple ones which are revealed to be  Flash and  Lunar.

" Really you two. " You try to attack someone with their back to you. That's not very nice now is it." Said  Arcee.  as  Silasn in his Reverse Flash suit and  Airachnid get back onto their feet. " We had a feeling that you two would come. You two just can't resist being heroes now can you." Said  Airachnid. " Better a hero of the people than a crazy nut job and killer like the two of you.  But since you wanted us here, you got us." Said  Flash. "  Indeed, now we will show these fools how weak you truly are." Said  Silas as he and  Airachnid ran off with  Flash and Arcee chasing after them. 

" Things are about to get hectic. I just hope that those two can stop them. Good luck  Flash, Luner. You'll need it." Said  Breana

( Play this song while reading this chapter)

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