The Conversation

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Before she knew it Bridgit had fallen asleep. She woke up to her phone ringing. She answered it "Hey did I wake you up?" She heard Sam ask. Bridgit looked at her watch to see it was 7am.

"Yea but its okay im glad that you did I have rehearsals in an hour and a half whats up?" Bridgit asked her. "I wanted to know how things are going with you and Shane did he break up with Danielle?" Sam asked eagerly.

"Yea he did" Bridgit responded. "Well you dont sound happy he did ask you to be his girlfriend yet?" Sam asked now confused. "No he didnt because he asked Olivia to be his girlfriend and their staying across from me" Bridgit said now beginning to cry.

"Wait what? He got back with Olivia? And Olivia is there?" Sam didnt understand what was going on. "Yea..." Bridgit told Sam everything that has happend between Shane and her how weird he had been acting with her.

"B im so sorry I cant imagine how sad and hurt you must feel right now Im just sad that i cant be there for you" Sam said. Bridgit wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks "its okay Im okay because this is the last time Shane will ever play with my heart, Im done Sam Im done with all his BS Im tired of getting my hopes high and then having them crushed" Bridgit said.

"So whats going to happen now?" Sam asked her. "Nothing I wll finish the tour with him and thats all ater that its goodbye Shane Harper I will never talk to him ever again I honestly dont know what I was thinking when I said we could still be friends but not even that anymore" Bridgit said.

"I completely agree with you but please do me a favor" Sam said. "Sure what is it?" Bridgit asked her. "This time dont leave or if you do please tell more no scratch that take me with you" Sam said laughing.

Bridgit couldnt help but laugh also. "Your such a dork Sam but yes I promise if I leav ill take you with me but I dont think so I have to an adult about this and face my mistakes and my mistake was believing him again." Bridgit said.

"Shoot hey I have to go take a shower to go rehearse but I'll call you later cause we've been talking about me but we havent talked about you and Michael" Bridgit said. Sam agreed and then they hung up. Bridgit got up to shower after showering she got dressed and decided to put a little bit of make-up.

She as almost done when she got a text from Roberto saying that they were headed to the lobby if she was ready. She replied saying she'll be down in 2 minutes. She got her purse and walked out when she seen...

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